Chapter 37. Too many questions...

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My new bed was super comfortable, but I couldn't really sleep that night. 

It was like I'd drunk three lattes. I lay there awake, my heart racing, listening out.

It seemed relatively peaceful, though.

None of the usual creaking and rustling from the oak tree anymore. Quite a lot of foxy action, and two owl's calling to one another.

My mind turned to Ambar. How was she? I smiled at the thought of her fast asleep in her bed, and that calmed me.

And what about Mum and Philip?

 They were totally in denial, living their lives as if the pandemic had never happened, flying here and there for no reason at all.

Oblivious to the world outside of their needs. Maybe Gran was right, or rather when the crash comes, they're gonna be totally unprepared.

How could I convince her to come down here with her toy boy? How would they cope in the country, far from Deliveroo?

Dad and Adam would be a lot easier. Dad was always talking about the end of the world, but was stuck doing nothing very much about it other than signing online petitions.

If the chance came, he'd probably jump at it.

But then, what about Ambar's lot? Her Mum and Nina would want the whole family to stay together, and there seemed to be loads of them, uncles, aunts and cousins.

Gran was making space, but not that much.

I slept for a bit, I guess, but I woke up with a start at 03:14

What was going on with the Council?

When I left them, they were going to make up their minds. What would they decide?

Either way, we were fucked.

And what if they agreed to wake the oil lakes? It probably wouldn't work.

And what about Psycho Raptor? He's gonna do whatever he wants. And what does he want? War, that's what.

But what if they come for me and the whole family? We'd be sitting ducks? Gran's place is lovely, but there's no defense. We'd all be butchered.

My mind raced, puzzling over how to defend against murderous fossil spirits.

Sorting the oil issue suddenly seemed like child's play.

And what about Grandpa? How was he?

Was he OK, being looked after by Michael, Jose and..... what was the other one?

Or was he being tortured by that Allosaurus and his nasty Temnodon guards?

And then Ambar and I had agreed to get the message out to the world with our YouTube videos.

I guess I needed to make another one soon, or she'd be on my back.

I must have eventually dropped off for a few hours because Gran gently knocked on my door at 9:46.

"Jasper, are you awake dear. I've brought tea."

"Yes, I'm awake Gran. Please come in."

She placed a tray on the bed and sat down, stroking my head and lifting strands of hair from my face.

Her warm, soft hands felt comforting, and I snuggled closer.

Let's plan the day, there are lots of jobs to do.

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