Chapter 24. Mad professor.

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"So, what do you think about coming with me to the Geological Museum?" I asked Ambar, smiling.

"Eh?" she responded. "Is that your suggestion for a hot first date? A trip to see a bunch of old bones!"

My heart sank, and my shoulders slumped.

"Joking!!" she laughed. "I'd love to Jasper, I mean it."

"Oh, cool." I felt relieved. "We got an invitation from the Prof in charge of dinosaurs to see the Ichthyosaur skeleton. I'm really excited"

"Amazeballs". So when are we going, Mr Dinosaur hunter?"


So, there we were, the three of us trundling through town on the top deck of the number 46 bus. Me next to Ambar. Adam in front. I wore a dark blue shirt, black trousers and brushed my hair. I thought I needed to be smart to meet the prof. Adam always looked good, he'd even put on a clean green sweatshirt.

I felt like a complete nerd next to Ambar.

She wore her amber earrings, and looked great in Nike's, jeans and a dark green puffer jacket. Her hair was so thick, black and glossy, all tied in a knot on top. We chatted about our trips to the museums as a kid.

"I've never been to this one", she said. My mum never had the time to take me. Don't think she was particularly interested, either. I loved our school trip to the science museum in year 4 though."

We chatted about this and that whilst Adam, sitting in front, listened to his music.

I told her that going to the Natural History Museum had excited me since I was little. Mum and Dad would take Adam and me regularly to see the incredible collections and exhibitions.

"Well, I thought they were amazing, Adam, not so. Even better was going alone with Grandpa, who was a total fossil nut. Every single time, I'd end up in the dinosaur section and the geology exhibits. Especially their crystal collection, way better than the Crown Jewels."

I jabbered on. I told Ambar about how I was hooked early on, my room filled with dinosaur books, posters, puzzles, toys, duvet covers, videos, the lot. If anyone wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday, they couldn't go wrong with anything dinosaur related.

It was so easy to talk with Ambar. I felt I could tell her anything, and it would be safe with her.

As we got closer to Kensington, she told me a bit about how tough it had been for her growing up without her Mum having time or money for such things. She loved the library, though, and got into books about the body and how it all worked.

"Jasper, here's a weird fact for you. Did you know that the human heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime—that's enough to fill more than 3 super tankers!"

"Jeez, that can't be for real?"

"It is mate." she grinned. "I got loads more like that!. I think I must be a vampire, I love everything to do with blood."

"I better watch my back." I quipped.

Time passed fast with her. I looked up, and we were almost there.

I prodded Adam, who was in a world of his own. "We get off next stop."

"Wow, it's like a palace," Ambar said, standing on the pavement looking up at the ornate Victorian building."

We walked up the stone stairs to the museum and then through the famous arched entrance.

Amber touched the tiled columns with lizards, birds, and insects carved in them.

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