Chapter 11

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3rd person pov.

Atharva looked at Sitara and waited for her to continue ,
because by looking at her face.

He knew that she is scared of him and thinking to escape by telling everything roughly.

He gestured her to continue ,
She take a deep breath and said
"I asked Raman bhai about your salary,
then he told me that,
You are a Big Businessman  and your income must be in billions ,
and then I remembered something and ask him to buy few thing and after that I asked everyone to help me and in exchange you will increase their salary by Rs.200 .
But they all denies and said that's not the Matter they all are afraid of your anger ,
Then I told them that you will not get angry ,
because they helped you only.
Because If they wouldn't helped me you are one who have to do all these things along with me .
And Now Don't scold them ."

He raised his eyebrows at her last sentence, And She looked at everyone and saw that all of them are looking at her with their shocked face.

She then closed her eyes sensing that she might have said  something wrong .
And then said slowly
"I am feeling sleepy."

Atharva without delay take her in his arm , because she slept in few minutes due to effect of medicine.

After placing her on the bed,
He came back downstairs and looked over all of his guards.
He take out his gun and placed infront of table and second gun started to rotate and again take in his hands.

At that time Raman came forward sensing mood of his boss Atharva Singh Rathore ,
He started to explain himself by looking at the gun in his Boss's hand.

Then Raman said to him
"Sir I would never compromise with my duty.
So I had already appointment few trained guards around the whole house , and they all are hidden around the house .

  I think you must have noticed some people which are the selling fruits and groceries things near by house.

They all are my bodyguards and they all are connected with the Bluetooth and they are continuously keeping an eye on the mam and everyone else so that,
She can't get herself hurt by the any of our enemies."

Listening this Atharav's anger cool down a little bit and then Raman take a deep breath,
Before he can proceed for the  further description of the day .

They heard a person voice and they both turn to that side  and found that Arjun was eating the snacks and  making weird sound .

Arjun opened his eyes and said
" Bhai what a taste !!!!
I am so happy that you married her.
She is a great cook and makes such a delicious food .
I just love it ."

Atharva glared at him and snatch the plate from his hand and said by keeping it everything aside and said
"Raman proceed what you want to say and I want to know everything,
Every single thing ,
Which you guys have done in my absence."

Raman nodded his head and said
"Sir when you went away from here ,
After an hour Ma'am came to me.......................

Flashback start

After 30 minutes Sitara came downstairs near Raman,
who was sitting in the hall keep an eye on everything .

He saw that Sitara was coming toward him ,
He got up from his seat and said
"Mam Do you want anything?"

Sitara looked at him and said
" Raman Bhaiya please
Don't call me Mam.
I am like your sister .
So please call me Sitara only."

Hold my hands love 💕(A Mafia Love)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя