Chapter 18

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3rd Person pov.

In the evening and he saw that Sitara is laying on the bed.
He silently came inside and sit beside her, and hold her hand,
Feeling his hand she looked upward at him,
  As at that time she was thinking about her family.

Looking her tensed face,
Atharav hold her face and asked her "What happened love ?
You are looking tensed ?"

She smiled at him and replied
"Nothing like that ,
I was just thinking about something."

Atharva looked at other side,
As he don't want to lash out his anger on her ,
Because He knew that she must be thinking about her not so happy  family.

Sitara get up from bed and said
"Wait I will bring something for you to eat. "

He stopped her and asked
" Did you practice well today ?"

She gulped listening that but nodded her head silently.

He looked at her suspiciously and asked
"You know what love,
Today I will tell you one of the most important thing of my life."

She looked at him confused that Why Suddenly he started to say something about himself .

He pull her to himself and she landed on his lap .
Her eyes went wide looking realising her position,
She tried to get up from him but he hold her tightly .
She again tried to get up but stopped looking at his glare and starts looking her hands .

He tilted her head towards him and said in cold tone
"I hate lies Love."

She gulped understanding this and said
" I was so tired ,
I can't able to do this."

Atharav understand her condition and asked her in polite tone while controlling his anger,
"Ok tell me one thing ,
Incase some people will try to harm or our children,
What you will do in that condition?"

She looked in his eyes and frowned listening this and replied without thinking
" I will never let that happen,
No one can touch you all , As long as I am alive.
I only have you in my life."

Atharv smiled at her and said
" That's why I want you to prepare for every condition ,
See Sitara this is life ,
Though I know that I am always there for you , but still there might be some condition that we need to face some situation alone, that's why I want you to prepare for every conditions."

Sitara nodded her head and said
"Okay I promise from tomorrow ,
I will practice with full dedication."

He smiled at her and kissed on her forehead and went to the washroom for the change.

After sometime when he came out from the washroom,
He saw that Sitara was setting plates for him so that he can have his dinner.
She smiled at him and he just pass her a tight smile and came and start having dinner.

Sitara looked at him with frown on her face and start thinking
"What happened to him ,
He was fine sometime before"

Atharav noticed  that she is making faces , while looking at a particular space on the floor ,
He got to know that what she is thinking just by looking at her face.

Though these days he is actually tensed about the Samar,
but still he found this condition  quite amazing and he thought to tease Sitara a little bit more,
because he know that she care about him but still she need to realise that she love him also.

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