08. I Won't Give Up On Us...

Start from the beginning


Now he knows that something as simple as a penetrating gaze that left absolutely no doubt as to what he thought or felt for me, and this situation we were currently exploring, could make me feel such a.....


"I want to play something for you," he said out of the blue, smiling down at me from above.

"What?" I asked perplexed, a small smile gracing my lips. He nodded his head towards a corner, my eyes slowly followed the gesture, and fell apon a guitar. "I didn't know you could play."

He dropped his forehead onto mine gently, my eyes reflecting in the bright blue's of his, "I love you, Jer.....so much."

We lay there a moment, just watching each other from our close proximity, before I smiled once again, and said, "I love you too. Now, are you going to play for me, or what?"

He looked torn between not wanting to get up, and be away from me for even a small moment, or going to get the guitar. I grinned and gently pushed him away, watching as he reluctantly got up, and crossed the room. I sat up, crossing my legs, pulling the sheets over my lower half, and relaxing back against the headboard.

"Alright," Chris muttered as he plopped down in front of me, crossing his legs just as I did, our knees brushing up against each others, he positioned the guitar in his lap, conveniently hiding his lower region. He gazed into my eyes looking apprehinsive and vulnerable. He grabbed my face in his big hands, and kissed me sweetly on the lips, which seemed to give him that little extra boost of confidence that he needed. "My voice isn't as good as Jason Mraz's so....please bare with me."

I blinked.

Chris placed his fingers to the strings and started to play the correct chords, eyes closed, lost in the music. Then slowly he opened them, looking up at me under his long, thick eyelashes, and he began to sing.....

And he was unbelievably good.

When I look into your eyes 

It's like watching the night sky 

Or a beautiful sunrise 

Well, there's so much they hold 

And just like them old stars 

I see that you've come so far 

To be right where you are 

How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us 

Even if the skies get rough 

I'm giving you all my love 

I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space 

To do some navigating 

I'll be here patiently waiting 

To see what you find

Then the chords changed, his voice raised with the melody, eyes closed as he strumed away at his guitar, a small smile gracing his lips. There was so much emotion in his voice, playing a vital roll with the lyrics, that for a moment, I could have sworn he wrote the song just to sing it to me.

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