Chapter 30.1

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 The flames had dissipated, leaving Vatra in a disorientated and fuzzy state of mind. Her limbs stretched out around her. They were heavy and numb. She looked down at her right hand and wiggled her fingers. At least her right arm was healed, now.

Her vision was unfocused on the atrium around her. Aside from the subsiding fire on the bodies of what she could only imagine were the eight creatures, everything else was a blob of indiscernible gray. The stench of burning flesh made her cough.

Someone ran up behind Vatra, fighting through the heat with little regard to their own safety. It was Hisato.

Of course.

Hisato held out Vatra's jumpsuit and godkiller to her and crouched down behind her. "Are you all right?"

"Just fine," Vatra grumbled. She took the jumpsuit and dagger from him and stood, grateful that Hisato was there to steady her as she wobbled on her feet.

"You were able to get all of them, we didn't even have to finish a single one off," Hisato explained. He sounded impressed.

"I just hope this is the last time I have to use this type of plan. It worked back on the transport ship, too, but it isn't my favorite tactic," Vatra said. She finished zipping up her jumpsuit and turned to face Hisato.

There was a bleeding wound on his collarbone, ripped down through his flight suit. Vatra reached forward and prodded near the cut, noting how deep it was. He definitely needed medical attention for it.

Hisato grimaced and pulled away. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Vatra scowled, sheathing her godkiller at her back. "Let's get back to the Agkistrodon. Once we've made sure the rest of these things are gone, we can get everyone who's injured to the medical bay. This time, I'll make sure Ares doesn't have anyone drugged."

They both started for the others who were grouped at the edge of the atrium. Vatra walked with robotic movements. Her joints ached and her head throbbed. All she wanted to do was lay down and fall asleep for an entire day. But, there were still creatures they needed to take care of.

"That was impressive. I didn't know you had the nerve in you," Ares mused.

Vatra couldn't help but sense the patronizing tone layering his words like a

poisonous icing. She eyed the god as she passed him, but didn't acknowledge him any further. Just before her gaze flickered away, Vatra noted the remnants of his smile fade away instantly.

Ares was hiding something. There wasn't time to figure out what it was. Not when Hisato was injured, and not when the fate of the others was unknown.

The further they walked, the more life returned to Vatra's bones. She felt revitalized with every step. Her strength returned, and she walked more upright and confidently. The aches and pains of falling to her death turned to a distant memory. Vatra squared her shoulders and hastened her pace.

She passed Geb and Nat, both of whom had been leading the front. They watched her pass with curious looks, but didn't address her. She just wanted the nightmare to be over already.

Turning the last corner to the docking bay where the Agkistrodon was, Vatra noticed the music was turned off. There were also nearly half a dozen beasts all shot to hell on the deck leading up to the ship. It was complete carnage.

The boarding ramp was lowered, but it was quiet. Spyro wasn't outside the ship to greet them, nor were any of the others.

"Creepy," Geb muttered. He used the toe of his boot to prod the detached foot of a beast that had been ripped apart by the ship's railgun.

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