Chapter 44 : who ?

Start from the beginning


we were on the motorcycle, I was fixated on the rode...after spending time with her I never gave her the envelopes... I felt bad

I knew Kakashi is disappointed but I couldn't bear the thought of her crying... not that I've seen her cry before but I just can't imagine that...

Takemitchy - M-Mikey my house is the other way....

or maybe I should of left her a hint...

Takemitchy - Mikey ? 

but what good will that be ? i should of just gave them to her...I would of been by her side-

Takemitchy - MIKEY !

Mikey - yeah ?

Takemitchy - hey what's wrong ? ever since the phone call happened you suddenly changed...

Mikey - I just have a lot on my mind....

Takemitchy - want to talk ?

Mikey - *sighs* yeah... maybe tomorrow...I just want to ride...

Takemitchy - yeah of course don't worry.

Mikey - I'll drop you off after this.

Takemitchy - *nobs head*

still this won't mean I'll hide this secret with me forever.... she'll soon go over Kakashis house.

I might have to come back tomorrow after speaking with Takemitchy.

Next day•

I stood up from my bed...I felt numbed, no feeling what so ever...later in the afternoon Takemitchy came by and well I said what I said yesterday so I told him everything about y/n, her origin, clan, the significance of her tattoo, and her backstory.

Takemitchy -

Mikey - aren't you going to say anything ?

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Mikey - aren't you going to say anything ?

Takemitchy - no I mean yeah ! i just it's a lot to take in..

Takemichi POV

i have to fake my self out of this, I know a little bit of y/n since Naoto helped me out with that in the future but knowing that Mikey knows now...must mean why Mikey was acting that way he was yesterday...

Takemichi - Mikey, who's her sensei ?

Mikey - he was the guardian of the Ackerman clan and caretaker of y/n....

Takemitchy - *eyes widen*

Takemichi POV

I remembered Naoto telling me something about this...


Naoto - it will be alright, but she can't know about this... her past self CANT. I'm not even suppose to know about it either these were classified documents... they were meant to be hidden from everyone... I suppose we kinda of broke the law but listen... I heard that the last guardian of the Ackerman man clan died a few years ago, if I'm not wrong I think that man died 5 years ago...

flashback ends•

my mission wasn't to save him but finding out that he wasn't only the guardian really brakes me....and now y/n may go down the evil path once more and the outcome Naoto told me will happen once again....damnit why am I such a fool !

Mikey - but I personally think is best if we te-

Takemichi - don't tell her.

Mikey - what ?

Takemichi - let's not tell her right now...

Mikey - Takemitchy....she'll be going to Kakashis house anytime....and what she'll find is a dead really want her to face it without any reason ? she has to know ....

Takemichi - .... *looks down*

Mikey - *sighs* this was his last request and I don't want to feel regret.... so let's go Takemitchy...


I was walking out of my house, I was getting ready to go see Kakashi until-

       - y/n.

Y/N - huh ?

I tried looking around but I couldn't find where that voice was coming from...I couldn't even figure out where the person scent was coming from to detect them.

     - you've grown to be a splendid young lady... how long has it been ? 11 years ?

Y/N - wait hold on.... who are you? where ar-

     - don't'll soon find out... take care... see you soon...y/n~

y/n ackerman x Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now