Stopping him, I crossed my arms and looked at him sternly. "I mean I am, you are going back to yours."

"But I wanna sleep with you tonight," he pouted his lips and gave me that puppy dog eyes of his he knew I could never resist.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored him and walked ahead. Adri being Adri, he was right behind me and didn't hesitate to grab my hand. When I felt his warm hand around mine, the smile I was fighting with emerged triumph. I hate to admit it, but I slept best whenever he kept me warm throughout the night. 

I loved feeling his arms enveloping me and being lulled to sleep by the sound of his steady heartbeat when I lay my head on his chest.



Adrian's POV

"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes." Belle's sweet gentle voice kept replaying in my mind non-stop.

It was driving me crazy. 

The knock on the door broke my train of thought. It was Chase.

"Hey, you came at the right time. What have you found out about the Dark Fire Pack?" Shaking my head a little, I quickly went back to work mode. I had to stop thinking of Belle and focusing on the pack business would be the best thing to do.

Chase had a grim look on his face but didn't say a word until he sat down in front of me.

"That's not what I'm here for. But what I've found isn't much. I only know that Daryl, Jeff and Brian got kicked out from their previous pack and they formed the Dark Fire Pack with seven other guys. Rogues, most likely. But I have no information on why they were kicked out from their previous pack. There's nothing we can do about them. They cover their tracks very well. We have no concrete evidence to report them to the council. None at all. There hasn't even been any weird reported cases ever since they arrived. They're keeping things low at the moment." Chase reported.

Cursing under my breath, I tried my best to keep my cool. "Keep looking out for them, we can't afford to drop our guards. They're definitely up to no good." 

Nodding, he continued. "Now, that aside. I would like to talk to you not as your Beta but as your best friend and as Belle's best friend."

Heaving a huge sigh, I asked as I put down the file I was holding on to. "What do you want to talk about?"

Standing up from my chair, I walked to the window behind my desk and shoved my hands into my pockets. It was a Saturday morning and the backyard was empty. I could hear the sizzling of the pan and I knew my mum was busy preparing breakfast for all of us. 

"Adri, I understand your pain, and I understand that you're hurt. But will you just stand in her position for a moment? She tried, Adri, two years ago on your birthday. She found out she was your mate, she was so conflicted. It wasn't because she didn't love you. She was just caught by surprise. You guys have been best friends for so long, she never expected that you guys would turn out to be mates. You didn't expect that as well. That was why when she tried to tell you that you guys were mates, you lashed out right away. You thought she was lying to you because you thought it was impossible for you to be mates. But the truth was all of us could tell you you guys loved each other from the very start. You weren't just best friends, the love you had for each other developed from purely friendship into something so much more. Both of you just didn't realise that. She was scared, Adri. When you rejected her, she was devastated. Do you even know how it feels like to be rejected? Let me tell you, it feels horrible. The pain is so unbearable you just wish you can just die." He choked.

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