the last chapter.

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Y/n pov

We were supposed to be having a event today of who could grow the prettiest flowers since it was now spring,the event is being run by isabella,me and her are the judges of the flowers.

I was with Isa getting ready and I didn't know what to wear,she was in her usual black and colorful dress but I was clueless what to wear to a flower event.

So I had come to isa for help "I have just the thing for you!" She smiled at me then going to her wardrobe and searching through things

I tilted my head in confusion then she shoved me her old pink flowery dress she used to wear know

I smiled "are you sure you want me to wear this?"

She nodded proudly "I think it would look much better on you anyways,plus I don't think I'll be wearing it for awhile"

I nodded softly and went behind some flowered curtains and changed into it

When I walked back out she looked stunned and a smile slowly grew on her face "wow,you look great! It's perfect!" Then she walked up and wrapped me in her arms

I smiled and hugged her back and she squeezed,I squeaked in need of air and she let go

"Sorry..but you look amazing!!" She laughed slightly

Time skip

We had gone outside and made our way to where the event was being held.

We arrived and we saw a long table that luisa must have placed here for it,there wasn't that many people here after all it was just a small little thing for our local gardeners and anyone who liked plants.

Upon our arrival I saw Camilo,Carlos,luisa,julieta,mrs Fernandez and mr Perez. So basically a few people I knew very well and some townsfolk.

There were also quite a few people gathered around to watch and perhaps celebrate the winner.

We walked up and as soon as we did they all perked up and lined up at the table holding their plants

"Welcome all of you to this simple competition of the best looking flower that has been hosted by myself and dearest y/n,we hope this is fun for you and we hope growing these beauty's ends up worth your while!" Isabella beamed with a glowing smile

I smiled too and waved a little at Camilo and Carlos in which Camilo smiled widely and proudly at me whilst Carlos just gave a soft smirk seeming confident in his flower.

"Alright! Place your flowers on the table and we will walk by and examine each flower one by one starting from looks and into the real health of the plant,everything about your creation counts!" Isabella yelled and everyone delicately placed their pots of life on the table in unison.

We walked over to camilos,he had an orchid in his pot. My favorite flower.

I smiled and Isabella started to examine it with a chart,checking off or crossing out certain things. Why was she taking this so seriously,I laughed a little to myself and then stood beside Camilo "I really like your flower cami"

He smirked proudly and placed his hands on his hips "I knew you would because it's your favorite,makes me more likely to win. You also look very nice mi amor" on his last sentence he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it with a smile and I felt my face flush as pink as the dress Isabella let me borrow.

"Cmon y/n,to Carlos! Very nice flower by the way primo,very healthy" she smiled at him as she walked over to Carlos and I followed suit

Carlos had a very nice looking rose,to be honest I didn't know much about flowers I don't know why Isabella wanted me here.

I squinted looking at his flower and slowly reached my hand towards a part that was sticking out sharply then as I almost poked it Carlos grabbed my hand and held it in place "maybe don't touch a thorn that will make you bleed?" He smiled softly at me and I glanced over at Camilo

Camilos eye twitched watching Carlos hold my hand and I quickly took my hand away looking back at Carlos,a nervous laugh escaping my lips "yea sorry I don't know much about flowers or plants in general"

Isabella had finished her chart and walked over to Luisa's flower "yea well that right there. Very sharp and will break skin,got it?" Carlos pointed at the thorn and looked at me unamused

I nodded with a smile then walked down the table as Isabella moved to julieta.

"Oh wow nice flower pot Luisa!" I smiled at her as I walked by,her pot was painted very nicely with beautiful designs "thanks!" She smiled back at me

Then I saw isa had already finished with everyone and was standing off alone calculating results in her mind,dang she was fast.

Time skip

It had been maybe ten minutes and we were deciding on either Camilo or julieta.

"Well I think camilos should win,you know its very healthy and stuff and it's really pretty" I shrugged

Isabella rolled her eyes "what do you mean it's healthy,girl you know nothing about flowers and plus the only reason you want him to win is because he's your boyfriend" she looked at me unamused

I looked at the ground in fake sadness and she groaned "fine the winner is Camilo but you owe me one"

I lifted my head back up and smiled,we walked back over to everyone and isa cleared her through catching the attention of everyone.

"We have decided on a winner! And the winner is.." isa sighed

Everyone looked at us with smiles,their eyes filled with hope.

"Camilo!" She announced with a smile and a few peoples faces dropped,Carlos's and julieta's specifically.

The rest of them and the people around us started to clap and cheer and Camilo threw his hands in the air "yes!"

I went over and hugged him resting my head on his shoulder and he held me close then kissing my cheek and I laughed a little "good job cami"


Carlos pov

The fact that Camilo won didn't make me upset,it was just how proud of him y/n was. All I could do is dream that I had someone so supportive even over small things.

I slowly looked at the ground with a frown after seeing her wrap his arms around him so fondly.

Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder,I looked over to see a girl with long straight black hair and some glasses.

She smiled softly at me "I really liked your rose! Roses are my favorite and I think that you should've won! Those people are losers anyways.." she laughed softly

A smile grew on my face and I let out a soft chuckle "your right I shouldn't be so upset"

She nodded and held out her hand to me "I'm Sophia,wanna be friends?"

I hesitantly shook her hand and nodded "sure,I'm Carlos"


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now