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Time skip a week

Y/n pov

It's been a week since I found out about Carlos,hes always trying to flirt with me and make moves but I dont let him. He hasn't tried to fool me by shifting into camilo for a while tho. A bit suspicious.

I had some time off of chores so I was chilling in my room drawing,I was drawing camilo. I figured it would be fun to draw cami since I'm always looking at him and hes the only person whose face I look at most.

I was just drawing away trying to get his face proportioned right until camilo just walked into my room and i fumbled to quickly hide the paper under something "what do you want camilo?" I said a bit startled as I got up from my desk and walked over to him

He smiled at me and locked the door behind him and I raised an eyebrow,just as I was about to ask why he locked the door he pinned me to the wall and my face went beet red as his smile turned into a smirk. Fuck was this even camilo? I forgot how to tell since he hadn't shifted into cami in a while.

Shit shit. "Is that anyway to talk to your boyfriend mi amor?~" he questioned me and I gulped as he got closer to my face and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"W- i-" I stuttered over my words as my breath got heavy and i couldn't find anything on his face that could indicate it's not cami,no eye bags and the hair was parted right. But something about the smirk unsettled me. I brushed it off and just assumed it was camilo since I had no reason to think otherwise.

"You?~" he said waiting for me to continue "no I-I'm sorry cami" I said and I looked down trying to hide my red face.

He lifted my chin and I made eye contact with him as butterflies filled my stomach,why was he acting so...dominant?..that was a weird word to use but it's all I can think of to describe his actions.

He slowly leaned in closer and our lips connected but it was more rough and eager than his usual sweet loving kisses..wait a minute.

He pulled away and when I opened my eyes I was met with Carlos's hazel ones as he shifted back into himself. He laughed a bit as I was quickly filled with immense dread,but the butterflies wouldnt go away..

"Didnt think you'd be that easy to fool bonita~" he said with his sly smirk that never comes off his face..I felt my cheeks heat up which made me instantly feel guilty and i put my hand over my mouth and looked at the floor contemplating what I had just done.

He lifted my chin again "dont be upset bonita~ it was just a kiss~ you cant even tell me you didnt like it because I can see the red on your face~ do me a favor and let's not tell camilo about this,its for the best.." he leaned close and whispered into my ear "if I find out you did..there will be consequences princesa~"

I felt a shiver run down my spine,I was frightened by him I hate to admit. He then backed away from me "see you around bonita!~" he said before leaving my room and shifting back into camilo so that my mom wouldnt question him while he left.

I slid down the wall and hugged my knees sitting in the fatal position,I felt horrible. But at the same time he made me feel some type of way,no I cant. It's just because he looks like camilo....right?

"Fuck..." I mumbled to myself.


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now