Chapter 41 : first time killing

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Commander - hey aren't you that pipsqueak ?! that motherfucker called the 'invincible Mikey' right ?! *laughs* yes ! what a great day ! i get to kill Mikey with my two hands !!!

Y/N - who... gave you.... the tap for in ??

Mikey - *eyes widen* y/n...

Y/N - *lightly panting* he's mine... get out of my way...

Commander - my my !!! you really are my type ! *laughs* crazy psycho !

Mikey - lay off, I can handle this.

Y/N - your... in the..way..

Commander - say ! 2v1 ?! i want to see how I can handle 2 at the same time ! *laughs* you two fight the same ! your both equally the same in strength and fighting style.

Mikey - y/n let's finish him...

Y/N - if he's saying the truth... about you and me being an equal ...then let's do this..

Mikey - *nobs*


me and Mikey ran to him, we started punching and kicking while also dodging, we kept being punched back or thrown, but we always came back for more,

the Commander was getting tired little by little

Commander -... *panting* you assholes are holding back right ?! THIS ISNT ENOUGH !!! NO NOT YET !!! PATHETIC FOOLS *yells* GIVE ME ALL YOU PUNKS HAVE !!

me and Mikey looked at each other without saying a word and we ran at full speed to the tall male, we jumped up and landed a hard fast kick on him, he flew backwards hitting a brick wall.


Y/N - *eyes widen*

Mikey -.... y/n ??

Y/N - he-he's dead...

Mikey - what ?

I fell down on my knees realizing what I just did...

Y/N -

Y/N -

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i...killed someone..

Y/N -

Mikey POV

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Mikey POV

Mikey - y/n hey ! look at me !!!

I was roughly moving y/n trying to bring her back to reality...

Mikey - Y/N !!!

Y/N - *looks at him* I-I killed him...

Mikey - hey hey ! don't worry ! you'll be fine ! i promise you ! no one will find out about this alright ?

Y/N - b-but he's dead ....because

Mikey - I did it too... I killed him too... we're in this together...don't worry ...

Y/N - but.... I-

Takemichi - y/n !!! Mikey !!!

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Takemichi - y/n !!! Mikey !!!

we both turned around to face Takemitchy.

Mikey - let's leave, Baji, Ken-chin let's go !

Takemichi - can you stand ?

Y/N - ??

Takemichi - here

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Takemichi - here... cmon get on my back.



am I considerate an evil person now ??? am I a delinquent now too ??

Takemichi - y/n hey... don't worry I promise you you'll be fine alright ? Please don't give it too much thought....

Y/N - ....  

Draken - you did a good job holding yourself together.

Y/N - ....

Mitsuya - we should go to a nearby convenience store and get a first aid kit, you all look like a mess. especially the girl.

Black haired guy - who is she anyways...

Draken - oh right, you haven't properly met her, she's y/n. y/n he's Baji.

Baji - hm. well she sure knows how to fight.

Y/N - ....

y/n ackerman x Tokyo revengersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora