Ch. 33 - A Tiny Band Aid

Start from the beginning

"... you certainly appear as something." Snasy said, huffing under the weight.

"Aw thank you!" He gave them a nuggy.

"Did I say that was a compliment?" They righted their hat for the ump-teenth time.

Spiffy gave the SwapFell pair a look as if to say 'see what I have to deal with?' They both returned equally deadpanned expressions.

The ghost Frisk was taking a closer look at Spiffy seeing how they were similar and dissimilar. They pointed at them, pretending to lean on them. "I like this one best." They exclaimed, face and voice still basically a mask of boredom.

Both Fresh and Chara snorted. Chara looked at Fresh surprised and his shades flashed a quick OO-PS.

"what?" Papyrus asked, wanting in on the joke. It was clear he was moving beyond being worried.

Spiffy and Snasy were both confused as well as the Chara and Frisk both looked a Fresh.

"Wait." Chara said as if realizing something, pointing at Frisk. "Is Frisk the alien you were talking about? I knew it was them! I didn't know they were an alien tho."

Frisk's expression gave nothing away, but the sag of their shoulders was very telling.

Unfortunately the only one everyone else saw Chara point to at that moment ... was Spiffy.

Papyrus's expression darkened.

Fresh hopped between them waving his hand in denial. "Naw bro, Frisk didn't do that last bit. Neither did Spiffy." He pointedly looked at Papyrus when he said that.

"then who?" Papyrus asked, clearly starting to get worked up with all the delay.

"Some Hacker-bro called Ax3." Fresh let his shades go out shortly to accentuate his point. "I dealt with them. So there ain't no one ya need ta get revenge on. It's handled, bruh. They can't interfere anymore."

He looked the tiniest bit relieved and disappointed at the same time. But now there was also suspicion creeping in without the threat of an incoming fight.

"what do you want in return?" He had a guarded expression that totally expected to be answered with unreasonable demands.

"Oh yeah, dat's a thing with some SwapFells, huh?" Fresh muttered, confusing the residence but getting nods from his sidekicks. Fresh snapped his fingers. "Right! I almost forgot."

The two braced themselves.

"In return, I'm gonna edit the fabric of reality a smidge." Fresh pinched his fingers so they were almost touching.

Clearly the two were not prepared for that as they both froze.

"and you ... can just do that?" Papyrus seemed to have his doubts, along with Chara.

"Listen pal-o. In this world of endless Resets, I'm sure y'all noticed that it's hard to pull away from what was done on the first loop." Fresh held up a finger. "Yet here we are, chatting. The pull to follow events stunted, see?"

The two looked like they just realized that. And they did. The code was making them overlook things, but Fresh brought it to their attention in a way that would let them remember.

"you- how?" Papyrus asked, rightly guessing Fresh was the cause.


"Bro." He let a small enough amount of his aura slip out behind his shades that it wouldn't alert the entire underground. "There's not a lot a skele like me can't do."

It still had Papyrus fall on his coccyx though.


Seems he went overboard again.

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