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  In the following days after the Red Shore City events, Jimmy Crystal was put on trial, and Porsha was placed in the custody of CPS. After several weeks of various testimonies, the jury had reached the verdict and found Jimmy Crystal guilty of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Throughout the trial, the stress had been building and weighing down on Porsha. After her father's final verdict, his closing remarks were shouting, "The Crystal Empire has been the greatest thing to happen to this city! I've brought thousands of jobs and helped build the culture of Red Shore City! And you all just threw that away! You are all dead to me! And you, Porsha, you are dead to me! You were my biggest mistake. That's why your mother left!"

With the words of her father echoing in her head, the stress overcame and broke her down. Physically and emotionally destroyed, the depressed grey wolf was faced with foster care.

A few more weeks had passed with her in CPS custody until Buster had finished all the needed documentation to become Porsha's foster parent/guardian.

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