Chapter 28: Ghost Town

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After I hung up the phone, having told Jacob we would be back to riding together when my foot was healed, I took my truck and locked up the house, heading toward Elk Creek and the house that was probably empty beyond it. I couldn't be sure that Edward would have stayed. He made it pretty clear last night that the test he'd created by leaving was one I'd failed. I was sure with every mile that I would find that house cold and empty. Instead, there was Edward's Volvo parked in the long driveway.

Through the trees, the glass house looked dark, but I thought I saw something lurking through all those windows. As I got out of the truck and hobbled up toward the front steps, I hesitated on the first step. There was no blood dried into the concrete like I assumed there would be. Any sign of my fall was long gone and all that was left was this pristine and lonely house.

The door was unlocked, and I didn't even bother to knock. I had been told so many times before that I'd always be welcome in this house. The front entry way was empty as I entered. There were no coats or hats on the hooks, only the light that drifted in through the windows. As I stepped past into the living room, I found the couches and chairs covered in white sheets, like someone had died. The walls were bare of their usual art, and what was left was covered. It was clear that this house was no longer the home to vampires.

I realized that I'd never come back after they left. I never went to see what had happened to this palace in the woods, so far from civilization and so filled with happy memories. Edward had told me he was leaving, and I had never been able to bare to see this house empty. Maybe now, I could accept this, the time I'd spent alone and the time I might still spend alone. After what I'd done to betray him, Edward would never love me the same way again.

Running my finger against the edge of the covered sofa, a layer of dust was dragged up into the air. I watched it float through the light. If Edward was here, I wasn't sure he'd want to see me.

"I assume you came to apologize," a voice echoed through the empty house. I turned to find Edward at the top of the stairs, looking down at me without a hint of expression.

I lowered my gaze away from him. I didn't regret it. I still wanted to become a vampire and be by his side forever. Maybe then, he wouldn't be so lonely. A sudden and heavy shame came over me at the thought of my attempt. I closed my eyes thinking of how I'd betrayed him, of that dark look he'd given me as he saved me from the poison. I hadn't felt ashamed before walking into this house, but now I was riddled with it. It was almost too much to stand.

"I'm sorry," I said. The weight overwhelmed me, and tears spilled down over my face. It felt like someone else's tears though, someone else's shame pushed onto me. "I didn't mean to-to betray you."

He came down the stairs slowly. "Don't cry," he told me. "I'm disappointed in you. In your decision."

When he made it to the bottom of the stairs and stopped in front of me, he pulled me into him without warning or explanation. I buried my head into his shoulder as his cold arms enveloped me. There was nothing there to warm me.

"I forgive you, though," he said. "And I know you'll never be so reckless again."

I tried to push away that shame that enveloped me with his hug. If I could have stopped loving him, I would have in that moment, but he held onto me. I couldn't live without him, and he knew it too. As I pulled away from his hug, I leaned back against the sofa for support as I looked up to him.

"What I did," I said. "I know didn't seem like it, but it was for you."

"No," he said. "If it was for me, you would have followed my advice. This curse isn't what I want for you."

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