Chapter 11: The Glass House

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Edward didn't talk to me when the Cullens came back to school. It was just like nothing had happened at all, but I knew the truth. He loved me and we had a promise, but in biology, he sat next to me and didn't say a word. We sat in that uncomfortable silence for nearly an hour as class went on. I wanted to talk to him so badly, but he wouldn't acknowledge me all morning. It was only at lunch that he seemed to remember I existed.

I sat with Jessica and Angela as I always did, wondering if I'd be allowed to sit at Edward's table one day. Jessica was complaining about Shakespeare as she chomped on French fries and I occasionally added to her confusion with my own.

Halfway through lunch, I caught sight of Edward getting up from his table where he sat surrounded by his siblings on all sides. They were all vampires, like him. Carlisle and his wife must have been too. This town had seven vampires and I was the only one who knew their secret. As Edward started over to me, I caught his eye and straightened out a little. Jessica eyed him with some suspicion as he came over and I hit her on the wrist to stop her from glaring.

"Ow," she snapped.

"Just shut up," I whispered as Edward came to stop, leering over the three of us where we sat.

"I talked to everyone," he said. His eyes drifted over my two friends, probably accessing if I had told them anything. When his eyes landed back on me, he must have known I hadn't. "I want you to come over tonight after school."

I nearly choked on what I was eating. "Tonight?"

"Esme is making dinner," he said as if that explained everything. "They want to meet you."

Jessica leaned forward, clearing her throat. "You call your mom by her first name?" she asked. I wanted to slap her again, but Edward was right there. He probably knew anyway that she didn't like him, that I'd told her to be afraid.

Edward ignored her comment and just stared at me, waiting for an answer. "Bella."

I swallowed any apprehension. Charlie wanted me home by dark, but Edward would be around to protect me. There was no harm in going to his house. If the person who killed those men was still around, I was protected. I nodded, pushing the stray hairs away from my face.

"I'll drive," he said and took a step back to leave me to the rest of my lunch.

"Wait, I have my truck," I said. I didn't need him to drive me there at all. I could just follow him from school, but he shook his head.

"I'll drive," he repeated and left me, returning to his table where he sat with his siblings, none of them eating a thing.

I realized how many signs there were now that I hadn't noticed before. Edward never ate. He never needed to use the bathroom. He never sweated. He wasn't in P.E. I'd been too busy being afraid that it all went unnoticed. I don't know how nobody had figured it out before, but maybe I really wasn't the only one who knew. Charlie had warned me, after all, but I got the feeling nobody knew exactly what they were supposed to be afraid of.

"That was weird," Angela said. "What's that about?"

"Bella and Edward are dating now," Jessica said with thick accusation.

"I didn't think Edward dated," Angela said. "And I thought you hated his guts."

"Things change," I argued. I was ready to dismiss the conversation, but Jessica wasn't done.

"No, Bella, tell me; why is it that all the sudden you and Edward are all in love when last week you wanted nothing to do with him," Jessica mused. "It just doesn't make sense."

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