Chapter 14: O Happy Dagger

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The front porch light was on as Edward pulled up into the driveway and put my truck into park. I hadn't realized how late it was until now as I stared up at my little house in the earie quiet of the evening. My head still ached a little, but the beating of my heart had calmed into a slow drum. Quietly, Edward turned the key and returned it to my hands as we looked ahead to my home.

"I wish I could come with you," I told him. Charlie would have questions, but I just wanted to be with Edward right now. I didn't want to have to explain why I was out so late or why Edward drove me home.

"I'll see you at school," he said instead. "We'll talk then."

I sighed, but he was right. I needed to go home. I needed to sleep. Everything that had happened hit me so hard. But at the end of all of this, I knew what I already knew before. I loved Edward for everything he was. I would never leave him; I never could.

"I have a lot to clear up with Jasper and Carlisle, but everything will be fine," he said.

Before he could add anything else, the front door of the house opened, and Charlie stepped outside, still dressed in his uniform and large winter jacket. His eyes met mine through the windshield and the fear and relief in his eyes shocked me out of my exhaustion. He raced down the porch steps and out to me like he was on a mission. I had no choice but to step out of the truck to greet him.

"Bella, what the hell happened?" he snapped, anger rising into his voice. "I was worried sick. I called Billy, but he said you never showed up. I was about to send a search out."

I shook my head as he reached me, but I didn't have the chance to explain as he grabbed me and wrapped me into a tightly wound hug. He didn't let go until the driver's side door opened and slammed shut as Edward stood alone in the driveway, looking uncomfortable with this whole situation.

"I'm sorry," Charlie said. "What's going on here?"

I opened my mouth to explain, but Edward stepped forward before I could speak. "I'm sorry, Mr. Swan. Bella was pretty shaken up. I thought I'd better drive her home."

Charlie looked between me and Edward with confusion, trying to put the picture together. "And you were..." He broke off, not sure how to word whatever questions he needed to ask.

"She was with me," he said. "It's nice to formally meet you, Mr. Swan."

Charlie just stood there dumbstruck, staring at Edward. I could tell he didn't understand what was going on, so I chimed in. "Edward and I are dating."

"What?" was the only word he could utter.

"Nothing serious," Edward said. "All very new." He gave me a knowing look and I smiled back. It was better if Charlie was clueless about the whole thing. He didn't need to know just how serious this was.

Charlie sighed and changed his expression. "Alright." he said. "Bella, go on inside. I'll be in there in a minute."

I nodded and started up toward the house. Edward was probably going to receive that new boyfriend talk, but I was sure he could handle it. I heard a wayward whisper from Charlie as I climbed the porch steps and headed inside. A simple "how long has this been happening," came from his lips as he stared Edward down. Once inside, I braced myself against the door, the exhaustion returning to me as soon as Edward was out of sight.

Throwing off my coat and shoes, I headed to the living room and laid down on the couch. This day felt as if it had been the length of two, but I was happy to know Edward was out there, keeping me safe and sound.

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