"Do you guys want to come to a little get together tonight at Seokjin's house? Everyone wants to celebrate finishing their finals." Jungkook walked in pace with Yoongi and Hoseok, eyes wide and his invisible -but definitely there- bunny ears perked.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok with a smile that reached his eyes before looking back at Jungkook and nodding. Hoseok thought for a moment; he should really be at home studying.. But it had been a while since they all had a get together, and Yoongi looked so happy at the thought of it. Who was Hoseok to say no? He smiled a little before ruffling Jungkook's hair, "I'll be there."

Jungkook flashed a bunny smile at them before screaming something like, "See you later!" before happily hopping off somewhere down the hall. Both Yoongi and Hoseok were left with a smile at seeing Jungkook so happy.

Jungkook was the baby of their friend group, and they were all quite protective over him. The best way to describe him was as a very happy person, as it was rare to see the bunny boy without a smile on his face. He was easy to have fun with, even easier to talk to. Hoseok only shook his head when the boy was finally out of his sight and somewhere in the midst of the hallway chaos.

"He's a mess."

"He really is."


Jungkook was indeed a mess. But so were the rest of their friends.

Seokjin and Namjoon sat straight across from them, cuddled up like they always were. Hoseok always pretended to be annoyed by the excessive lovey-ness that radiated off of them, but in all reality he was happy to see them together like this. They would never let it go if they knew that he could barely fight the growing urge to wrap his arms around Yoongi too.

On the other side, Jungkook curled up between Jimin and Taehyung, sinking into their sides as he flashed his bunny grin. "I'm so happy to be here with you guys again, it's been a bit since we all got to hang out."

It was true, it had been a while. College and work had been busy for all of them, but somehow they still found a way to annoy each other through the day. Not to mention the group chat that was honestly too fast for Hoseok to really keep up with. It was an even bigger mess than any of them were. Jungkook, constantly spamming the chat with photos of baby animals, Namjoon and Seokjin bickering, and Yoongi just sending smiley faces and encouraging words to the rest. Even though Hoseok's phone was consistently buzzing throughout the day, it was something that always cheered him up.

He loved his friends, and his friends loved him. Even when Hoseok felt like he wasn't getting anywhere, they always reminded him that progress may be slow but one day it would be rewarding. They were the biggest blessings in his life. He smiled at them, internally thanking whoever lives up there in the sky for sending them crashing into his life at some point. One by one, taking a place in his heart that was seemingly reserved just for them.

Yoongi and Hoseok go the farthest back. Meeting Jungkook in high school, Namjoon and Seokjin a few years ago at a party, and Taehyung following right after Hoseok had been paired to dorm with Jimin. Somehow they had all been brought together, and Hoseok guessed it felt like fate in an odd way. The way they all got along so well without even trying.. It had to be destiny.

Seokjin and Namjoon had already graduated from college a year ago. Namjoon owning a little pet shop, and Seokjin, a chef that could cook anything you wanted him to. He would always blush when others would compliment his food, but at this point he was a personal chef for the 6 boys sitting in his living room. He never once complained though.

Jungkook was currently a freshman in their college, working towards a Graphic Arts degree. Much like Yoongi with his music, Jungkook lived and breathed art. Ever since Hoseok had met the bunny in high school, he always carried around a little sketchbook that he often got in trouble for in his classes. Yoongi always said he had it coming though; drawing teachers as swamp animals in the middle of a lecture would definitely score you a detention or two.

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