Wicked beginning

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My whole life I've been a responsible human being, up until the universe gave me  a revers card on me.

The town I once called home was put under lock down for 10 months. During which time half of the town got sick & put into the hospital.

My whole family didn't make it which left me an orphan at 15 in a hospital in isolation since I'm the only 1 who lived.

Turns out they impregnated me during this 1 of their test on me which pissed me off.

After giving birth to my child 'a boy'; I never got a chance to hold him.

when the lock down lifted I finally learned about what happen to my family & also my house was for closed by the bank.

I left the town soon After.

5 years  later I was working at this small cafe with my girlfriend where 2 men kidnapped me.

For 24 hours I was in this warehouse with the 2 men & now a boy explaining the boys life to me.

They were telling me these thing that didn't happen [ why I abandoned him? why was I such a bad mother? etc]

I said "I didn't do any of that; the doctors too me away from him right as he came out of me.

I never got the chance to hold me" looking to my son, "I never got a chance to hold you before they took you away.

I'm so sorry I never got a chance to raise you, but if you allow me to be a mother I've always wanted to be to you allow me" was all I said before my son got so mad & killed the men he was with with the knife in his shoe pocket.

My son let me go & I gave him a hug which he didn't expect "whenever your ready to be with me I'll be ready for you.

I know what you must be thinking, am I worthy of being loved & to that I say yes" I hug him 1 more time before standing up & walking out with my hand out for him to hold [ which he didn't]

When I got back to my cafe, my girlfriend was there to hug be to death. 

I turned around to see if my son was still behind me, but I knew he left a bit ago.

To this day I've never seen my son, but I did marry my girlfriend & had a wounder life. 

I just hope my son is OK tho.

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