Blue Dragon

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My name is Red, I'm a Telepathy & Telekinesis.

I was born this way; my mom died having me.

my dad left me knowing that I was just like his 1st kid.

Gray my brother was taken when he was only 3 weeks old by the same people that took me also.

He's a Telepathy & Teleporter.

I didn't really meet my brother until I was 6 after my 1st Anxiety attack.

After finally getting to know each other; the Government program "Brave Waver" put us on many missions.

More people joined when I was 12.

After many more missions my Anxiety attacks got worse & was brought to Taihang Mountain, China for my mind.

Guru Tu-yen Mien helped me a lot

After 3 months I came back & Gray was now dating 'Z' who's on the team & let me just say Z is the best Boyfriend he ever had

Molly, who is my girlfriend, was new to the team. We became a thing right before I left, but we became more close after a mission caused an explosion to share each other's powers & minds to which I learned that I have 1 horny girlfriend.

About 5 months of crazy mission later, a horrible mission made the "Brave Wavers" program ended

Many good people died leaving Gray, Z, Molly & I to remain.

The Government renamed us Blue Dragons & were moved in with Tu-yen.

Gray & Z adopted a baby girl named Ci-yen.

Molly & I have married since we arrived & after it turned out that Molly could get me pregnant without twins.

The Blue Dragons lasted 30 more years, it was 1 hell of a run.

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