'The' weapon

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This story might be a sad tail to hear, but if you want to listen stay

In the year 2342 the universe created something unlike anything Mankind has ever seen

An asteroid half the size of earth exposed in billions of pieces headed right into earth atmosphere

3 football field length hit a scientist lab which led to opening up many deadly chemicals that the world was not 'again' not ready to handle

After the cause happened a child appeared form 1 of the unknown rock forms & started to heal & destroy all the chemicals that came onto any living thing on earth

They call the child Weapon

20 years came to pass & the child became a warrior for earth & to another planet 3 galaxies away

What we didn't expect was that the warrior to up & die on us when some dumb ass decided oh hey let blow up the world

[hey I did say it would be sad]

Some of us who did make it off earth went to the other world Weapon protected also

We'll do better for that world then how we treated ours

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