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Hi my name is Rachel & I have a gift.

I was born an orphan in a program called 'Geniuses' who took me in & help me with my powers called the 3 T's [ Telepathy, Telekinesis  & Teleport ]

At 12 I went on my 1st mission.

I didn't know it then, but my powers were growing without control behind it.

Soon I went on too many missions & lost control

The Doctors explained I was overwhelmed I had a panic attack from too much stress.

So they put me on a team.

'The red dragons' became my family.

We all have our own powers.

By 18 I got my power finally under control with the help of my family, but mostly from my girlfriend.

Annie [ My girlfriend] gave me strength to keep moving on with everything going in my life. 

Soon I asked her to bring our relationship to the next level which she totally agreed with. 

[Let me just point out Annie is a witch who knows a lot of spells

"Annie .... go faster... ah....hum...harder....faster" I moaned into her ear each time her Spell 'dick' went into me making me stretch with each thrust which I couldn't stop loving with every scream that came with it.

"Fuck Rachel I'm gonna come" she said 

"Come in me" I said through a moan.

This was going for another few hours until Annie just laid on me with the dick still in me which I loved so much.

The day the spell wore off, but I told her to do more spells just like that since I got so horny.

2 weeks later I learned I got pregnant which I love knowing Annie is the 1 who got me this way.

When our baby girl came into our life, my mind & heart knew 1 things for certain  ' I'm happy'.

GirlxGirl love short storiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ