As we waited, I could see bright lights come up behind us.

Before I could say anything, the car wrecked into the back of mine. It hit so hard, we were now in the intersection.

"What the fuck?" Owen asked himself as we turned around to look. I didn't have time to process anything.

Next thing I knew, my car was getting flipped countless times while I was feeling extreme pain everywhere in my body.

When the airbag hit me in the face, I swear I blacked out. I don't know how I long I was out for.

But when I finally came to, I felt something pulling me out of the car.

"You're going to be okay." He told me. I opened my eyes to see my car super fucked up.

It looked like whatever hit the car and made it flip, hit my side. I feel so weak.

It hurts to breathe. I could feel something warm and sticky run down my face.

As Owen sat us down beside the car, I raise my hand to the wound. It felt like I was cut on the head.

And I was bleeding pretty good. I felt a sharp pain on in my abdomen. I look at Owen to see he's crying.

I could see blood running down his face. "It's okay, Sam. I called an ambulance." He told me.

I shook my head towards him. I was hurting too bad, literally everything hurt.

"Sam, stay with me. Keep your eyes open." He reminded me. I looked into his green eyes, a single tear coming out of mine.

Owen was holding onto my wound in my stomach to stop the bleeding but it would't stop.

My shirt was covered in blood. I knew I was dying, and there was no stopping it.

I was bleeding too much and I could feel my soul leave my body. I hated the thought of having to leave Owen.

I rise my hand up and cup his face. "I'll find you." Right when he realized what I said, he realized what was happening.

"Sam, stop you're not leaving me." He begged and pleaded. I could see the tears leave his face.

I couldn't help but start crying while looking at him. Every second I lay here, my body felt weaker.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him. They say you see your whole life flash when you die.

But as I lay there in Owen's arm, all I could see was him. Every moment.

When we met at Six Flags, when he introduced me to Dani, when we went to the movies alone.

I saw our first date and the first time we kissed to the time we admitted our feelings.

In the last few months of my life, I've fallen in love with the most amazing man.

"Sam, I love you. Please, no." Owen sobbed towards me.

That was the last thing I heard.

                        || OWENS POV ||

Sam's hand dropped down while I heard a single gasp. I didn't want to believe it.

She can't be gone. "Sam?" I ask trying to keep my voice calm.

She didn't move or look at me. "Sam!" I yell, my voice cracking. This can't be happening.

"Sam! Please. No." I sob. I heard the ambulance in the distance. I started sobbing while I held onto Sam.

Please, don't let her be gone. The ambulance came and they ran to me.

"Sir, are you okay?" He asked running to me. "I'm fine but please try to save her." I beg.

Three of them push me away while the fourth checks me out.

"Are you feeling any pain?" The paramedic asked but I couldn't focus on myself.

I was too worried about Sam. "I don't care about me, just please save her." I felt an intense pain above my eye and on my arm.

"They're working on her now, let's go check your cut out." She took my hand and took me away from Sam.

I shook my head while turning back to Sam. I yanked my hand away and saw them shaking their heads while trying to shock her back.

They can't give up on her. That's the love of my life, I can't lose her. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion.

They tried everything to save her, but they were too late. I was too late.

They told me how there was nothing they could do. Her wounds were too much.

They took me to the hospital to stitch up my cut and put a cast on my arm.

I was sitting in my room, sitting in agony. I never thought this was going to happened.

I did have a bad gut feeling about going out. I should've pushed her to stay home.

She would still be here. She'd still be with me. I've never felt anything like this before.

As I sit there in self pity, I heard footsteps rush towards me. In all the chaos, I forgot I texted Charlie that we had wrecked.

"Owen! Thank god, are you okay?" Charlie rushed towards me. I nodded my head.

I just needed stitches and a cast on my arm. "Where's Sam? Is she okay?" I hear Andrew ask.

I could feel the knot form in my throat while I thought about it.

How was I supposed to tell them that their best friend since birth is dead?

I finally look up at them with tears brimming my eyes. I could feel myself start to lose my mind.

"I'm sorry, I tried." I apologize to them. I didn't have to say the words.

The four words I said out loud were enough for them to understand that she didn't make it.

And she wasn't coming back.

Black and White || owen joyner Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ