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The past couple of days with my family have been amazing. The jetlag sucked at first but I finally got used to the time change.

I message Owen whenever I can but it's been nice. My mum decided to blabber to my Nan about Owen.

So today, that's all she wants to talk about. It's currently the twenty third so Christmas is in a couple days.

I've been trying to spend time with my Nan and Grandad. My grandparents on my dads side already passed so I'm lucky to have them.

I try to talk to them as much as I can. I was currently with them now. Andrew and Mason should be stopping by soon.

Since us three grew up each other and were raised as siblings, we knew each one of our family members.

I spent a few hours with their parents knowing I've missed them too.

Even though we grew up with each other, my Nan always thought Andrew and I were going to become something.

But I always looked at him like an older brother. I always have and always will.

My mum and dad were trying to help put some finishing touches on their Christmas decorations.

"You wanna see what your mum got me for my birthday?" My Grandad asked randomly.

I put my phone down and look at him. He picked up a random pickle from the end table and pushed something on it.

It started yodeling which made me snort with laughter. I started filming him while trying to not laugh.

He was quiet while it yodeled, and he seemed pretty impressed. He was always into strange stuff like that.

Right when it got done, there was a knock on the front door. I stopped filming as it opened.

The door opened and it revealed the boys. My grandparents looked thrilled to see them.

It was the first time they saw each other since we came back.

Even though my grandparents don't fully understand what we do, they realize how happy it makes us.

They fully support us, just like our parents. They catch up and talk to them for a little bit.

As we talk, Andrew came over to me. "So, Conor and Jack Maynard are going to the bars tonight." He started.

I haven't seen either of them in a while. "You wanna come?" He asked causing me to smile.

In England, the legal drinking age is eighteen so I'll be able to drink with them.

That's why it was strange at first moving to America. But in just two months I'll be able to drink with the group.

"Yeah, what time?" He told me they were going out around eight so I was excited.

We left around six and I started getting ready to go out. As I was looking for an outfit, I got a facetime.

I answer it see it was Owen. I smile when I see his face. "Hi, beautiful." He complimented when he answered it.

I instantly smiled towards him. "Hi, how did you sleep?" It looked like he just woke up.

It was around twelve thirty pm in Oklahoma. He explained how it could've been better if I was there.

He flew there yesterday so he spent a lot of time with his parents. I explained how I spent time with my grandparents today.

He looked at me confused while I laid a shirt out. "Where are you going?" He asked curious.

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