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I walked into Owen's flat to see it actually cleaned. It was almost eight pm so I didn't know what he had planned.

"So, what did you have planned for this last minute sleepover?" I ask taking my bag off and sitting down.

Cruzy jumped on the couch and came over towards me. I instantly started petting her.

"I figured we could watch a movie and chill out for the night." It didn't sound too bad.

I agree so he went to the kitchen to grab something. He jogged back with two pints of Ice Cream.

It was cookies and cream. I make sure to thank him while we search for a movie.

We decided to watch two, one of my choice and one of his choice. We both picked out horror movies.

It makes sense knowing it's almost October and Halloween is coming up.

I chose to put on It, the twenty seventeen remake and he chose Heredity.

I've never seen it so I was excited for it. He put it on first so he turned all the lights out.

We were quiet while we watched the movie. I've heard so many good things about this movies.

I finished my Ice Cream about halfway through the movie. It was a little chilly in his flat so I brought my knees to my chest.

"You cold?" Owen asked looking at me. I shook my head knowing I was okay.

"I'm fine." He shook his head towards me. He opened his arm and motioned for me to come over.

I couldn't resist so I scooted closer to him. He securely wrapped his arm around my back and started rubbing it.

I could feel myself start to relax in his arms. I really enjoy these little moments with Owen.

I liked how we didn't have to go out and do stuff every day. We can enjoy each others presence by just hanging out.

We didn't have a label on anything just yet, but we did act like a couple. We did everything a couple did.

Sleep next to each other, go on dates, and cuddle. We just don't kiss or do anything sexual.

I was fine with it though. I know Owen's here for the long run and he's not going anywhere.

We watched the movie in silence and it actually ended up being pretty good.

When the movie ended we took a restroom break and turned on It.

It's one of my favorite horror movies and Owen's seen it a couple times.

"Have you thought about a Halloween costume yet?" He asked while looking for the movie.

I shake my head no. "I'm usually last minute on that kind of stuff." I admit to him.

Before turning the movie on, he turned over to me with a smile plastered on his face.

"What if I told you we should dress up together. Like a couple costume." He suggested.

I look at him softly while trying to figure out if he was being serious or not.

"Wait, really?" I ask sheepishly. He gives me a look like he's going to be sarcastic.

"No, I just said that for the shit of it." I laugh at him being sarcastic.

He ran his fingers through his hair while we laugh. "I'm so down with dressing up with you." I admit to him.

We had time to figure out what we could dress up as so we didn't talk much about it.

He started the movie and cuddled together. It was nice laying with him. I felt so safe and protected in his arms.

But it felt so natural. It's like we were suppose to be in each others arms. It's like we're two puzzle pieces that fit together.

I honestly never wanted this moment to end. As we watched the movie, I could feel myself get tired.

About three fourths of the way through, I could feel myself start to drift. "Don't be falling asleep on me now." He spoke up.

I look up at him confused. "Isn't that the point of me coming?" I ask with a hint of laughter.

Somehow I managed to stay awake for the whole movie. He told me how he was going to let Cruzy out.

As he did that, I went over to his room. His room was slightly more of a mess than the rest of the flat.

He just had his pants on the ground that I assumed were dirty. A typical blokes room.

I went over to his bed and laid down. I don't know how he does it. At my townhouse, I can barely get tired.

But here, I watch two movies with him and it's like I instantly get tired. It's strange.

As I laid there, I could hear him come in. He came into his room and laid down next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. He whispered goodnight to me as I did the same.

I slept long and good that night. That was probably the best sleep I've gotten in a long time.

I can tell Owen makes a difference. I don't know how but he did.

When I woke up the next morning, I could sense his stare on me. I opened my eyes to see Owen was staring at me.

"Well, good morning to you too." I groggily say while stretching a little bit.

He just smiles while admiring me. "How long have you been staring at me for?" I asked looking up at him.

I positioned myself better so I could see him better. "Not long. You just looked super peaceful." He spoke softly.

I swear, he's the sweetest person. He always knows what to say and how to say it. I asked if he had any plans.

He said he had plans with Kenny, the director of Julie and Phantoms, and they were going to catch up.

He said he wasn't going to go until four and it was currently ten thirty. As we lay there, I get an idea in my head.

"Would you want to go on a little breakfast date?" I asked with a hopeful look. He almost instantly agreed.

I know this little coffee place that's super cute. It sells pastries too so I think it'll be cute.

We change and head towards the parking garage. "Owen." I whine.

We were walking down the hallway, hand in hand. "What do you want?" He asked with a playful look.

"Can I drive your Tesla? Just this once. I wanna make it a surprise." I hint at it. He thinks about it for a second.

"Please don't wreck it. That's like my child." He hands me his keys as I do a little happy dance.

We get to his car and I get in the drivers seat. "So, where are you taking me?" He asked.

It was nice being the one in charge and knowing where we're going.

Most guys want to be the ones who plan the dates and keep it until they get there.

Owen's different though. He actually likes it if I make a date too. "You'll see when we get there." I keep my eyes on the road.

I loved driving his Tesla. You can tell how well it drives. When we get to the coffee shop, he seemed like he was in awe.

We walk inside hand in hand, fingers interlaced. I was so lucky to have him in my life.

I seriously don't know what I'd do without him.

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