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I have most of the song finished. I just don't have the first verse or the bridge written.

I've been working on it while I wait for everyone to come. Andrew, Mason, and Owen were out getting drinks.

Everyone's coming tonight so I'm very excited for that. "I've waited way too long to say everything you mean to me." I practice.

It was going to sound really good. I figured I could sing it to Owen on Valentines day whenever the day comes.

I was excited to show it to him. "Is that an original?" I hear behind me. It scared me so much, I jumped in my chair.

I turned around to see Charlie was leaning against my door frame. "Bloody hell, mate." I try to catch my breath.

"The door was open so I came in." Charlie shrugged. I just look at him causing me turn to him.

"Yeah, I see that now." I shake my head towards him. He walks in and sits on my bed. "You writing a song?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Is it for Owen?" I could feel myself start to turn red. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped towards me.

"Let me hear it!" He exclaimed towards me. I instantly shake my head no. Not because I'm embarrassed.

It's just not done just yet. "I'm not done writing it." I tell him honestly. He sits there for a moment.

"I can help you write it if you want." He suggested. I scrunched my nose to him. "I don't know, mate." I shyly tell him.

"I want it to sound authentic since it is for Owen." I admit to him. He looks like he's hurt with my words.

"You do know I co-wrote Perfect Harmony, right?" I'm surprised I didn't know about that.

If he co-wrote it, I'm guessing Madison wrote it with him. "Okay, and?" I ask confused to where he's going with this.

"It means I can help write the song!" He exclaimed, again. I just shake my head while looking at him.

"I think I'll be okay, Char. I'll let you know if I need anything." He nodded his head like he understood.

When I first met Charlie, I never thought we would get this close brother sister bond.

We both annoy each other but we also care about each other. We both share an interest in music and we're super passionate about it.

Once we start talking about music, we drop trying to annoy each other and just get into it.

"I got my songs picked out for the sing off." He boasted which made me smiled.

I asked him which songs he picked out so we started talking about it.

I showed him a couple videos that Conor did so he knows what to do.

In the beginning I was going to make sure to credit Conor so the fans won't say I'm trying to steal his idea.

As we talked about it, I could hear the front door open and close. "We have alcohol!" Mason yelled throughout the townhouse.

I just sigh and go downstairs with Charlie. Owen notices Charlie was with me and smiled.

I've noticed Owen was never the jealous type. Like, most guys wouldn't trust their girlfriend with their best friend.

But Owen had full trust in us two, he knows nothing would happen between us.

Charlie isn't my type at all, I literally see him as an older brother.

I look to see what kinds of alcohol they got. Tito's for Carolynn and Jeremy.

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