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I was currently with Owen at his flat, spending time with him before he leaves for Oklahoma.

We were watching On My Block knowing it was one of my favorite shows. I had my feet on his lap and Cruzy was on my lap.

"What would you think about coming with me to Oklahoma?" Owen spoke up honestly. I didn't think anything of it at first.

I just shrugged while looking at him. "I think it'll be fun to meet your family." I tell him honestly.

He looked at me softly. "Would you wanna come with me for Thanksgiving?" He asked hopeful.

I look at him seriously realizing he was being serious. "Wait, are you being serious?" I ask as he started laughing.

"Yes. I really want you to come with me. My mum really wants to meet you." He speaks honestly.

I could tell he was blushing a little bit from his last comment. "You talk to your momma about me?" He rolled his eyes towards me.

It kinda caught me by surprise. I didn't know he talked about me to his mum. But it was super cute.

"Wait, did you talk to your family about me coming with you?" He was blushing towards me.

I'm not mad at him for talking about it. I think it's actually super sweet. He nodded his head towards me.

"They really want to meet you. But I don't want to force you if you don't want to." He speaks to me honestly.

I shake my head towards him. "That sounds lovely." I sit up so I can kiss his cheek. We hang out for the rest of the night.

The next day, I was in my room, packing some things up. Owen told me how we were going to stay at his mums house.

I was looking in my closet, trying to find something to pack. We were leaving on Tuesday and coming back Sunday.

As I was looking for clothes, Andrew walked in. He gained a confused look on his face to see my suitcase on the ground.

"You running away, mate?" He asked confused. He went over and sat on my gaming chair.

I smile a little bit while sitting on my bed. "I'm going to Oklahoma." I don't say much about it.

He looks at me even more confused. "What the actual fuck is in Oklahoma?" He asked while laughing.

"You going to go milk a cow at a farm for Thanksgiving?" He asked teasing me. I just want a break from getting made fun of.

And I'm about to. "I'm spending Thanksgiving with Owen's family." He face immediately changed when I told him.

"What?" He asked making sure he heard me right. I repeated what I told him as he took everything in.

"That's huge, Sam. I didn't know you two were that serious." My face dropped when he said that.

"Serious? What do you mean?" I ask confused. He looks at me like I'm stupid.

I look to see he's fully dressed like he's about to go out somewhere. Maybe with Dani.

"Sam." He said softly. "When two people fancy each other, they meet their parents when it's serious." He explained.

I guess he did have a point. "I guess we are. I mean we did snog." He almost choked on his water.

"You didn't tell me this because?" He asked surprised. He acts like I'm the only one keeping secrets.

I just give him a look while standing back up. "I start telling my secrets when you start telling yours." I call him out.

He doesn't understand luckily. He clears his throat and I can tell he's starting to get a serious look on his face.

Black and White || owen joyner Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang