Here We Go

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Aizawa's pov:

We all gathered on one side of a window that lead to a room where three people were chained each to a chair: Shigaraki, Dabi, and Kurogiri. Eri was standing just on the other side of the glass to us, nervously clasping her hands together.

"Go on, Eri. They can't hurt you," said Nezu.

Eri took a tentative step forward, walking to the center of the room. She closed her eyes and put her hands in front of her, brows furrowing in a look of deep concentration. Her hands and horn started to glow with a gold light that enveloped the three villains. The glowing silhouettes seemed to slightly change in shape, the most notable change being that Kurogiri's figure seemed to get slightly smaller and solidify into the shape of an actual person, rather than human shaped mist.

When the light finally died away, Eri stepped back once more. The others and I stepped into the room to make sure she was ok. 

"Hey, sweetheart. You did great," I heard Hizashi say.

Suddenly, Midnight gasped. We looked up to see her and Tensei staring at the three, tears in their eyes and covering their mouths in shock. I looked over to see what was wrong, and suddenly my legs began to buckle. Because the person in front of me was...

Supposed to be dead.

(A/N Woo! Second chapter is out! Sorry it took so long. Once again, own nothing but the plot and OC's)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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