"Don't-" Jacob sputtered.

Abruptly, their mouths met for a moment, but the contact broke away before Jacob could comprehend. The single hand around Edward's neck fell limp coming up to touch the now blossoming heat forming on his lips. He was very taken aback.

It happened again, but the duration of their lips pressed against each other was slightly longer. Still, Jacob was too dumbfounded to say anything. His pulse pounded in his ears. 

Then it came in barrages. 

Edward swallowed every one of Jacob's protests feverishly, letting his tongue slip into the hot cavern of the boy's mouth. Chilling hands slipped underneath his shirt squeezing his backside. Jacob fisted the collar of Cullen's shirt. Hands hoisted his hips up, Cullen's jutting sex then nudging his inner thigh. Sharp teeth tugged at his bottom lip- just nanometers away from breaking the skin. 

Everything Jacob Black did was futile. When he finally had the chance to inhale he turned and forced his head into the seat."You're not in your right mind!" A hoarse voice, unfamiliar to Jacob, spit out.  Soon he regretted his words.

Anger flashed in the vampire's eyes, animated and blistering. In a blur, Edward was upright in his seat. "So it's only a one-way street," he scoffed. 

"I'm not saying that... it's just...t-this isn't right, Cullen. I don't know what I feel, but regardless, this is not supposed to happen between you and me. A vampire. A werewolf!" 

A strange mood settled onto Edward's countenance. "So you don't deny...this? The gravity-the attraction between us?"

"I don't know what this IS, Cullen!" Jacob heaved, swiping his long, matted hair from his forehead. He rose steadily.  "But I refuse to enact on it," he hissed. "Now, let me out of this damn car!"

For a minute, he thought he had been ignored, but suddenly the car revved and sped off a little way, back onto the main road. 

He nearly hit his head on the upper interior of the car as Cullen abruptly braked. 

There was no better time to flee than now. Jacob hopped out of the car and made sure to put great distance between them. With his lungs heaving, and head throbbing, he couldn't recall a time he had run faster. 

When he had made it back to the safety of the reservation, he buried what had transpired in the deepest depths of his mind as he showered. Though his consciousness resurfaced the moments. The vividness of the following dreams that night unsettled him as it echoed Cullen's departing words: Next time, I won't let you go so easily.

A gallimaufry of emotions ran through him the subsequent morning. Breakfast didn't appeal to his stomach despite his thirteen-hour fast. There would be another clan meeting with the Cullens. And he wasn't prepared to face the wanned pallor freaks.

But that was hours into the future. He would continue following tracks with the pack and maybe hang out with Bella. The thought of her only brought him back to the events of last night. Bella didn't seem to be grasping the gravity of her situation no matter how many times he tried to drill it into her naive mind that Cullen was poisonous to her. 

He chucked away his bowl into the sink and exited the door. He gave the two lovebirds hogging the couch-his sister Rachael and third in command Paul LaHote- a disgusted look. "Let's go."

He took his bike and met up with the rest of the Uley pack.

Sam acknowledged him with a brisk nod of his head. "Let's split up. A few follow tracks to the east, some to the west. I'll take the northern trails. Jacob and Paul, take the southern trails."

They all departed on their respective tasks. 

In the time they were given they stumbled upon two bodies.

At least two bloodsuckers. Paul shot to Jacob telepathically. A female and a male. 

How do you know? Jacob rustled his fur and sniffed the prints near one of the bodies.

The size of the bite marks and shoe prints are different. These prints are three inches smaller (7.62 cm) than the other tracks. These vamps are getting more and more brazen with their kills. I'll get someone to contact your father's friend and his team. Get rid of the tracks. 


Time had eluded his grasp. Over the expanse of the forest, gold, orange, and purple permeated the sky behind the distant rolling hills. It was sunset.

His bare feet melted into the warm, beady sand as he followed behind his father.  The chief of the Quileute tribe. 

The white pallor of the Cullens glittered in what was left of the glimpses of the sun. Unnatural. They looked to be part mannequins and disco balls. 

Rosalie Hale appeared the most hostile out of the bunch repulsion prevalent on her face.

The disgust was definitely mutual. 

"You've met with the Volturi, Carlisle?"

A light breeze fluttered Jacob's hair. Whatever Carlisle was going to say didn't seem to be good news.

"Alice is being sought by the Volturi. Aro wishes to use her gift. They are giving us one month to settle this on our own. After, we will have to stand before their court."

"Why us," Sam chipped in from behind Jacob. "We, wolves, don't get involved in your messy vampire affairs. And as far as I can see, Jacob has yet to imprint on your boy."

Jacob's eyes involuntarily shifted to Edward Cullen. Golden eyes, sizzling and sultry. 

Next time, I won't let you go so easily. 

I haven't ignored your pleas.  This chapter was relatively short....sorry.

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