chapter sixteen | fixed

Start from the beginning

"Want to get your dog and we can bring them to the dog park? It's nice out?" She questions.

"Sure. Just grab Bella and we can leave," I tell her and she stands up, looking horrified. I go to ask her what's wrong when I see her looking in between her outfit and me.

"Actually, I changed my mind. Leave. We can't be together," She shakes her head and points to the door.

"Nope," I pop my tongue and laugh at her. This is too good. "I need to change, then we can go," She says and before I can say anything she speeds off to upstairs.

"I know. She's strange," I whisper to Bella who still looks mad at me. A few minutes later Leona comes bouncing down the stairs with a lot of energy.

I don't think anyone would have cared about what she's wearing but to each their own.

"Would you care if I made a drink real quick?" She questions me. I'm assuming it's that weird tea lemonade drink she loves.

"No, go ahead," I wave her off and then follow her to the kitchen. She does end up making the tea drink that I thought she was going to.

"Do you really need more energy right now?" I question her. I don't know why she has so much energy right now.

"I don't drink this to energy, I drink it because it tastes good," She tells me like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

She swirls it around and then takes a sip. "Oh shit
Don't kill me." She says and reaches for something under the counter.

She takes out a needle and pricks her finger with it. "Just kidding. If you don't kill me my faulty pancreas will," She makes a diabetes joke, and my jaw drops.

"Leona," I chuckle at her. "What? It's true," She shrugs. I know that she is testing her blood sugar right now.

"Why would I kill you anyway?" I question her with a raised eyebrow. I know that she wasn't serious, but still.

"Because I'm taking forever. Anyways, we can go now," She tilts her head towards the door and grabs the leash for Bella.

She picks up a small thing of dog treats and walks to the door.

She straps the leash to Bella and slides on a pair of shoes. "I miss queen. I love her," She sighs, leaning her head against the window of my car, lifting Bella to look out of it.

"Why do I feel like your using me for my dog?" I ask, completely joking. "Because I am, duh," She mutters and I roll my eyes at her.

"I have a game tomorrow. Just so you know. You and Kayla can come to watch if you'd like. Austin and I have some reserved seats so Kayla would have room and Austin had these weird-ass headphones made for Sabrina so she can be there without all the noise." I tell her and she nods.

"Sure." She shrugs before continuing. "If Kayla goes, I'll go. I just don't want to be alone," She tells me and I nod.

"That's fair. Let me know. Sometimes if I don't have my parents coming I'll give the seats to one of the older guys for their kids," I tell her.

There aren't a lot of older guys on the team, but there are a few. If my parents and siblings don't use the seats, then I'll let one of them have it for their kids. If I don't, nobody will be sitting there anyway.

I pull up in front of my house after a little while and jog up to my house to grab my dog.

I attach a leash and collar to her and then bring her back down to my car.

I lead her into the backseat and she immediately lays down like she was taught to do. "Hi baby," Leona coos to her.

"You are too cute," She continues. I get back in the driver's side door and make my way to the nearest dog park. It's not the same one that Leona would have gone to, but the one by her house is pretty far.

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