Annoying Satan

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You meet everyone at the grand hall where you can eat your breakfast .
Rin was cooking breakfast for everyone while Yukio and the others were helping set the table just Ramona was sitting on a floating cushion eating a vanilla ice cream with blood toping .
You set down next to Rin and Yukio because Ana was keeping an eye out for Satan to make sure he doesn't do anything bad . ( And because he had a very bad headache after he slept on the little sofa so now he needed medical attention)
Izumo still pretended she isn't friends with Shiemi , Bon and Rin were screaming at each other for no apparent reason Konekomaru was telling Shima how bad it was to be a pervert , Shura and Amaimon were annoying Yukio , Mephisto and Fang were talking like two crazy people that they were .
'Aren't I right (Y/N) ?' said Fang suddenly looking at you with the green eyes of hers .
Mephisto was listening intently to what you were about to say too but you didn't know the question so you blushed a dip crimson .
'Oi, tomato face she asked if craziness is sometimes just hidden intelligence .'said Ramona smirking at you from her floating cushion . You didn't know whether to thank her or hit her with a shoe.
'I think craziness is actually intelligence that wasn't discovered just yet ' you say.
'I think craziness is just a word to describe Fang ' said Ramona chuckling to herself.
Fang took a sip from her cup of tea not fazed by what Ramona said.
'Thanks (Y/N)'she said before turning back to her discussion with Mephisto .
After we had breakfast we talked about our life : now i know how Satan meet Yuri , life as an exorcist , how in the future Satan is going to get an restriction order so he can be away from Fang and her equal crazy friends how Ramona laughs at Horror movies because she thinks they are funny how Rin learnt to cook , how Shura meet Father Fujimoto etc.
After lunch we started playing truth or dare:
Fang held a green letter between her fingers with a triumphant smile plastered on her face.
'My darlings we have got our new letter ! (Y/N) would you like to read it
(Y/N) : ramoobear said: I dare Ramona to annoy and do a lap dance to Satan :)
Everyone: Hahahahaha Satan :That brat !
Rin and Shura take their camera and start registering .
Ramona: Satan remember when you slept with your teddy bear MrKiller ?
Satan : I don't have any idea what you are talking about ...
Ramona:*shows photo*
Rin and Amaimon : YOU SLEEP WITH A TEDDY BEAR !!!
Everyone else :*facepalm*
Satan : You annoying brat * jumps to attack Ramona*
Ana : *held him back so she can nullify his power*
Bon,Konekomaru,Shiemi: Wow , how have you done that ?
Izumo: We can do it to if we train harder .
Fang: On the contrary, only an angel with a high class can nullify Satan's powere or me *smirking at Izumo *
Ramona: Alraighty then we can go now .
Shima : You forgot the lap dance
Ramona : *glares daggers at Shima*
Rin: PERVERT *points accusing finger*
All the boys are in a pool of blood.
Satan in a coma after so much blood loose .
You decided to go to your room only to see Fang laughing like maniac in a dark hallway .
'(Y/N) where are you going ?'she asked titling her head to the left smiling like a serial killer .
You look back and try to run but hit a drawer, you fall face first on the floor .
Fang helps you sit and says :
'You forgot to read the paper ...'
'Oh ! Don't forget to send us a dare or a truth to the Blue Exorcist cast !'
Thanks for reading , i think I did it a bit to long so from now on i will concentrate more on the truths or dares ! Pleas send some and tell me what you think about my oc characters!!!
(/@.@)/ |(@.@)|\(@.@\)

Truth or Dare Anime style Blue ExorcistOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant