Filler Chapter

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You looked scared at Ramona who caught the cast of 'Blue Exorcist' in less than 10 minutes.
'Satan and Mephisto were a bit of trouble, the rest were sleeping ' the vamp said chuckling in Satan's face who was now trashing the whole place waking everybody up .
'Now , now pleas don't do anything rush we are in a room were time stops and space doesn't exist ' Fang said from her floating chair ' Introduce yourself if you don't want to fly outside in the timeless darkness ' she said laughing like a mad woman .
Yukio : I am Yukio Okumura .
Rin : Hi I am Rin Okumura!
Bon : I am Bon Suguro
Shiemi : H-hi I am S-shiemi Moriyama ...
Ana sits near Shiemi patting her on her back
Ana : Fang might seem a little scary but she is a good person .
I am Ana the angel of love and fortune .
Shima : I am Shima Renzou
Izumo : I am Izumo Kamiki and you better remember it .
Shura : Sup I am Shura Kirigakure
Konekomaru :H-hi I am Konekomaru Miwa .
Mephisto : I am Mephisto Pheles the director of True Cross Academy .
Amaimon : I'm Amaimon .
Satan : I am Satan .
You eye Satan , he looked like an older version of Rin with Mephisto like clothes .
Everyone: Why is he here ?
Fang : (/•.•)/Don't know but we will have to see don't you agree(Y/N)
Everybody anime sweat drops except Mephisto how was known drinking tea with the crazy hostess.
Yukio : Please , miss (Y/N) could you tell us why you called us here. (Y/N) : I didn't...I ...
Fang : You see , I am the daughter of Satan and and an unknown Neko , i am also a demon of time , space and craziness . I called you here because you will play a game of truth or dare \(^.^)/ (Y/N) here has a special power, she can keep the peace between the good and the evil in undetermined time so this house won't be destroyed!
You looked surprised at Fang who continued to talk about time and space and different periods of time. You couldn't believe it but you decided to trust the mad woman.
Ramona : Yep * crazy smile plastered on her face *
Bon : And who are you ?
Ramona :*holding the empty cup of blood* I am Ramona a vampire born from a high class demon and a low class angel . I have super strength and speed.
Satan : I don't remember having a daughter .
Fang : I am from the future . (^•^)
Now let's start first the rules : You will answer all the questions truthfully and do all the dares if you don't than i am going to throw you in the endless darkness that will eat your soul *laughs evilly* you will have to choose your rooms and roommate don't forget the rooms are for two people only , you will stay here 10 chapters . Have fun she said as her and Ramona disappeared in green smoke .
Yukio and Rin decided to stay together, the same goes for Shiemi and Izumo, Bon and Konekomaru,
Shura and Shima , Mephisto and Amaimon .
Ana takes your hand and takes you to a white room with two beds on it .
Ana : Sit on one of the beds (Y/N)
You'll have a surprise
you sat on the bed and it started to glow , your half of room changed . The walls turned a beautiful midnight blue with little stars that glow in the dark . The bed covers were a light blue with dolphins. On the nightstand was a cup shaped lamp when you opened it, it looked like the room was under the ocean.
A white drawer appeared in the room with all your clothes and shoes . A white desk was next to it with photos of your friends and family , paper , pencils and your phone.
(Y/N) : Wow !
Ana : I know, told you Fang was an amazing person
(Y/N): Why didn't your room change ?
Ana : I enjoy the colour white . She said pointing to the single objects that appeared : a drawer and a table with photos of her , Ramona and Fang .
You couldn't help but think what will tomorrow bring and how are the other rooms like now .
(Y/N): But wait where is Satan sleeping?
Ana : Oh ... you know probably on the sofa ...
(Y/N) : Awkward ...

Truth or Dare Anime style Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now