Chapter 4

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"Does this dress look ok on me?" I stand infront of Amelia with my hands on my hips. I thankfully packed a black short dress with me. Its perfect for the date with Brian. "You look so pretty omg!" Amelia shouts, as she stands up to cuddle me. "Amelia I love you, but I just did my makeup and my hair and I don't want you to mess it up." She jumps back with a laugh. "Sorry! I just can't contain my excitement. This is your first date ever! I'm a proud mama." I laugh. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "That must be Prince Charming." Amelia mutters as she opens the door. Brian is standing in the door way. He is wearing a black suit and is holding some roses. I blush. "Hi, this is for you." Brian says as he holds the flowers. I take the flowers with delight and smile. "Thank you Brian, that's awfully sweet of you." I said. I can tell he's nervous, so am I. "You love birds better get going, isn't your restaurant reservation in like 15 minutes?" Amelia asked. We said goodbye to Amelia as we head towards the elevator. As soon as we get in the elevator, Brian presses the button that takes us to the ground floor. 

We got to the restaurant with 10 minutes to spare. We sat on a bench outside while we waited for our table. "You look gorgeous." He said out of the blue. I giggle nervously. "You don't look bad yourself." I replied back, trying to seem confident. "Hi sorry to keep you waiting, your table is ready for you now." The worker says as she walks up to us. We thank her then enter the restaurant. I instantly inhaled a scent of pasta and pizza. Crowding the walls were

 pictures of places in Italy. There was a bar on the left side of the building where many were gathered. We sat at our table, which was right next to a window over looking the beach. Brian gave me a menu and I scanned the options of food. "Hi, are you both ready to order drinks?" The waiter asked. Brian looked at me and said, "Mia, are you ready to order?" I loved how he put me before him. He's such a gentlemen. I nodded. "Ok great, could I please have a beer? Mia, what would you like?" Brian asked. "Can I have a lemonade, please?" I asked the waiter. "Sure thing, you will get your drinks in around 5 minutes." The waiter walked off to the kitchen. We sat in silence for a few minutes until I asked, "So, have you had any business meetings so far?". He looked at me and said, "Yes I had 2 yesterday after I went to the beach. Luckily, I don't have any more till next week. Also, how long are you staying here for?" "3 weeks." I answered. He shook his head in disappointment. "I'm going to be here for 1 more week then you then, that's a shame. Well let's make the fun times last shall we?"I nodded and smiled. 

After 5 minutes, the waiter came over with our drinks. I was thirsty, so I drank more of it in a few seconds. Brian however, was taking his time with his beer. I tried to think of something to say to make it less awkward. "So, how old are you?" I asked. "23, you?" "20. But I'm turning 22 tomorrow." "Ahh nice, what are you planning to do to celebrate?"  "Sit and chill I guess." "You can't do nothing on your birthday. I've just remembered, my friend from work is hosting a party tomorrow nice do you want to come? Amelia can come along too if she would like." I couldn't turn down that offer to hang out with him. "Yeah that would be great, I will ask Amelia later." I looked calm but on the inside I was doing summersaults. He just asked me out, AGAIN! He must like me. I couldn't help but blush. No guy has ever payed much attention to me. He's such a gentlemen. "Are you guys ready to order?" The waiter asked, which separated me from my thoughts. We both nodded. "Can I have the steak and chips with salad on the side please?" I asked. "And, can I have the chicken salad please?" The waiter wrote both of our orders down. "Great, your food will be served to you in about 20 minutes." 

After 20 minutes of me and Brian talking, the meals were put in front of us. We thanked the water and began digging into our food. My food was so good that I ate it all in only a few minutes. After Brian finished his food we both talked again as we scanned the desert menu. Brownies, ice cream, cake and all kinds of deserts were available. I decided to get the chocolate cake and Brian decided to get a brownie with ice cream. When our food arrived I got a call from my mum. "Sorry Brian my mum's calling I will just be a sec." I sat on the bench at the front of the restaurant and answered the phone. "What's up mum?" I asked. "Hi sweetie, sorry for bothering you I was checking to see if you were ok. You haven't contacted me since you were on the plane." I've been so caught up in other things I forgot to reply to my mum's messages. Whoops. "Sorry mum it slipped my mind. I would love to chat, but I'm kind of on a date..." I said. "OH MY LORD. THANK THE HEAVENS. DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND? WHEN YOU COME BACK CAN ME AND YOUR DAD MEET HIM? IS HE HANDSOME? ARE YOU MAKING ME A GRANDCHILD?" My mum asked impatiently. "Mum, calm down this is my first date with me. Plus, I don't kids yet." "Ok well, get back in there with your future boyfriend and I will text you later, ok? Have fun sweetie!" I said goodbye and hung up the phone. I sighed with relief then went back inside to Brian. "Is your mum ok?" He asked with concern. "Yeah she's ok. I told her I was on a date and she started freaking out and asking if I was making her a grandchild." I said while laughing. He started laughing with me. "Why did she freak out? Do you not go on dates normally?" He asked. "Well don't laugh but you are actually the first person I've ever been on a date with. Unlike Amelia, Im not the type of girl who can speak to a boy without getting nervous and shy so." He smiled to himself. "That's really cute actually. That just shows that you don't just take any guy. It's a good thing. Quite admiring actually, you should be proud of it. Plus, everyones different." I smiled at his kind comment. I immediately felt 10 times for confident then before. "Hi, are you ready for the check?" The waiter asked. I nodded and got out my purse. As I was about to hand the man my card, Brian gave him his card. "The food is on me." He looked at me and smiled. This man is everything I could ever dream of.

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