3- put on a shirt

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"Great no service," Stevie muttered as she looked at her phone. She crawled out of John's bed knowing that he had already gotten out of bed. She walked down to the back of the house to assess the damage in the garden.

She walked out onto the porch meeting JJ as he drank beer whilst watching John B walk around the fallen trees and other debris.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ shouted towards her brother not noticing she was there yet.

"Did you know we have no service?" she shouted at John b, letting JJ know she was there.

"Yeah, no power too. Agatha really did some damage," John replied, pulling bits of wood and branches off the HMS Pogue.

"Drinking already?" Stevie turned to look at JJ, disappointed in his early morning drinking.

"Put a shirt on,'' JJ said, noticing that you were wearing oversized joggers and a sports bra. He had seen her in a swimming cozzie before and they lived in a hot place, making it common for him to see her wearing little clothing but he hated when she wore a small top or sports bra and baggy joggers. He thought she looked so cute.

Stevie chuckled and snorted at the comment, "no, it's my house sweetie," which riled up JJ even more, "you put a shirt on," pointing out that he was also shirtless.

"Guys! Stop arguing," John b had to mediate the argument again. "The storm surge probably pushed all the crabs out of the marsh maze. All those drum are going to chase the crab"

"What about DCS, wasn't that today," JJ asked as both of them moved off the porch towards John B and the boat.

"Nah they're not getting on a ferry," you replied, letting JJ know that you were free from DCS for at least a couple of days.

"Come on think about it," John b continued to move twigs and other branches of the little boat. "It's God telling us to fish"

"We're atheists," Stevie replied bluntly making JJ chuckle under his breath.

"It's an expression Steve"

After going back into her home to get changed into a bikini and one of John B's old jumpers, she joined the two on the boat and started sailing into the marsh.

John B was driving as per usual, and JJ stood next to him having a small conversation about something Stevie wasn't all that interested in, something about Guffy's insurance. Stevie sat at the front of the boat alone, hugging her knees into her chest whilst she watched the ripples of water spread underneath the boat like a domino effect.

This is what her life was like. JJ and John B and then Stevie on the side. She spent many summers trying to get away from them until she met Pope.

"Hi, miss Amy!" Stevie beamed, noticing they were close to the friendly face. Miss Amy was always nice to the Routledge's. Sometimes when Stevie was working in the shop Amy would pay her more than the actual amount so that Stevie could take home a little more cash, "you guys get through it?"

"Still here," she replied with a beautiful smile making her face light up.

"She totally looked at me," JJ muttered to John b loud enough for Stevie to hear.

"You fucking wish," Stevie commented, not only was Miss Amy too old but she was way too good of a human to ever want to be with JJ.

The boat slowly drifted down towards Heywards on the way showing off the damage Agatha did to the island. There was debris everywhere and even some boats were sunken or damaged beyond repair. Cleaning up this mess all summer was the last thing the young teenagers wanted to do.

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