2- don't call me Evie

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After eating, Pope had come over to go surfing. Since there was a storm coming the waves would be massive and a challenge to surf. This storm also meant that their DCS assessment would be postponed as no one would be able to get a ferry. John B went out surfing leaving JJ and Stevie home alone seeing as you had school work to do and JJ didn't bring his surfboard to the Chateau.

Stevie was relatively smart, not compared to Pope but she wasn't stupid. When she was younger she was perfect for school. She understood it and never needed to revise. everything that came easy to her. Which unfortunately didn't work anymore. She had this problem with giving up if she didn't understand immediately. She was good at English and History and really loved the subjects but she gave up when it came to maths. She never used to have to revise which stopped her from trying to revise when she didn't understand now.

This all came back to bite her. Her English grades and history grades were fine, perfect even. But if she wanted to get into a nicer school or get off the island she needed to up her grades in other lessons. As much as she loved living here, staying trapped in the outer banks was not her dream. She wanted to see the world.

"What's with the highlighters?" JJ asked as he walked past the table to the fridge to get a drink.

"Um, green is for what I understand, yellow is kinda and pink means I have no clue," Stevie explained her revision tactic as she highlighted her maths book more.

"Your whole book is pink," JJ pointed out that she had only touched the pink highlighter.

"Yes, I'm aware of that, thank you," Stevie replied harshly, slightly embarrassed by her lack of understanding of the content.

"Anyway, it's summer, why are you working?" JJ asked as he leaned against the kitchen island with his drink in one hand staring at her.

"I have to improve my grades if I stand a chance in getting into a good college," Stevie explained, not looking directly at JJ, still looking at her maths.

"I thought you were smart" JJ questioned her again.

"Yeah, in English and history. But I'm failing maths," Stevie sighed realising that she was just not going to get it. She turned to look over at JJ and couldn't help but think he looked quite attractive. He was wearing a top she'd seen hundreds of times but she never took the time to appreciate how nicely it suited him.

"Really?" his voice broke her out of her trance, "maths is easy. It's like my second-highest grade after geography," JJ loved geography. It was one of the lessons he cared about. Nothing made him happier than learning about new places to go. He kept a list on his phone of all the places he wanted to visit and where he wanted to go surfing.

"Ew you picked geography?" Stevie laughed

"Yeah why would I want to learn about the past, it already happened," JJ stated plainly making them both laugh.

"It's interesting," she defended her favourite subject. That was one of the only things that linked her to her dad. They loved history. As much as John B wanted to love history he didn't quite get it as much as she did. Learning about what happened and how and how one thing led to another that led up till now was her favourite thing.

"Sure Evie," JJ smirked knowing she hated it.

Her eyes had never been so cold, "don't call me Evie," she stopped laughing.

"As you wish," he said unconvincingly.

Every once in a while they had an alright convo like that one. Although they were dissing each other and almost arguing, it was tolerable. She liked talking to him like that and he did too, just years of hating each other came in the way. Their Romeo and Juliet like feud would still persist.

After an hour or so John B returned absolutely drench in water. Stevie had finished the work she wanted to do in time for the sun to set. She hadn't seen JJ since their History v geography conversation.

"I'm home!" John B yelled. He was expecting a response from his sister but realised there was a storm and soon realised where she would be.

"How were the waves?" JJ asked stepping out of his room and following John B towards the kitchen

"Crazy, bro, unsurfable" John b said grabbing a snack from the cupboard.

"I would be able to surf them," JJ boasted about his ability, "I'm a pro"

JJ noticed out of the corner of his eye Stevie sat outside. She sat alone in the dark whilst the sky was throwing it down. All of her clothes were damp and her hair was soaked through.

"Why's Steve sat outside?" JJ asked John, hoping he would bring her inside before she got ill from the cold.

"It's fine, leave her," John B brushed it off. He knew what was happening. It happened every time there was a big storm.

"John," he said sharply, juxtaposing his normal attitude.

"She does it every time there's a storm it's not that big of a deal," John B tried to brush it off again but when he looked at his friends stern glare he knew he wasn't going to give up till he gave him a proper answer, "look she sits in the rain and cries. I think she thinks I don't notice. I know she likes the rain, she finds it fun and beautiful but it's always different with a storm. She sits and cries and thinks I don't know. I think she thinks the rain washes away the tears so I don't notice but nothing can hide her red eyes and puffy cheeks. Ever since Uncle T left she's not quite been the same. She'll come back in a couple of minutes, get changed out of her clothes and try to fall asleep. She never does and ends up crawling into my bed."

JJ had no idea. How could he have had no idea? He's known her since she was 8. He had been at the Chateau through countless storms and had never noticed. He never knew.

"How did I not notice?" JJ asked, feeling sorry for her and upset he didn't know.

"You've never cared."

a/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter this one's relatively short but I hope you liked the JJ and Evie content

please vote and comment and I'll be out with the next chapter soon

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