Levi and Erwin joined us for lunch despite the mounds of work they most likely had waiting for them, but it was nice to get out with them for once.

"So (y/n)," Erwin started, making me feel as though I was talking to a family member, "are you ready for filming?" He asked, reaching for a slice of bread from the basket in the center of the table.

Levi swatted his his, giving him major side-eye. "That's your fifth piece, leave some for the lady." He said under his breath, causing me to laugh as I slid the basket closer to Erwin.

"Im excited, but I don't know how long those feelings would last once we actually begin." I sighed, a smile on my face. Hange gently placed their hand on my knee, causing me to get warmer.

"You don't have to lie." Levi said nonchalantly. "I hate filming." He shrugged, Erwin now giving the menacing look.

"You do not." Hange chimed in, their hand subtly sliding to my thigh.

"Truly, I do. You guys are a pain in the ass."

Though he would never admit it, I swear on my life I saw a smile behind held back by his formal composure.

Since Jean took everyone else home, Erwin and Levi had offered us a ride home.

We all left a tip on the table before grabbing our things in leaving, making great timing as the restaurant had just began to get busy. I felt a tug at my arm, pulling me back. I could feel Hange's breath against my neck as they knelt down by my ear to whisper something.

"So darling, your place or mine?"

I wanted to lean my head back against their body, to melt at their words, at the sound of their voice. Instead I cleared my throat, glancing around the area before forming a response. "Im sure everyone will be waiting back at mine."

"So my place it is." They winked as they walked past me, my legs hesitantly following after them.

"Hurry up you two, just because I have all day does not mean I wish to spend it with you." Levi waved, Hange and I rushing to keep up as we reached the sidewalk. "You love us." I beamed, wrapping my arm around Levi's shoulder.

He grunted, softly shoving my head to the side. "I didn't hear a no..." I smirked, nudging his shoulder as he continued to walk.

"I'll take this as an opportunity to remind you who is driving you home." Levi smiled back, dangling the keys in front of my face.

"Because you just love us so much, how kind!" Hange joined in,  Erwin laughing softly.

"If it helps you sleep better at night." Levi muttered, a small smile on his face.

Once we were in the car, Erwin's white suburban dad music playing, Hange spoke up. "Just drop us both off at my place."

I felt the butterflies growing in my stomach, subtly side eyeing them before relaxing in my seat. "Oh to be young and in love." Erwin smiled, looking in the rearview mirror.

Hange and I quickly glanced at each other,  the tension immediately building as the car grew quiet. "Way to fuck things up." Levi said, turning towards Erwin.

Hange awkwardly laughed, my hands twisting and pulling on my bracelet. Erwin's hand slowly reached for the volume knob on the dash, his fingers slowly rotating the circle as the volume grew significantly louder, feeling the silence of the vehicle.

Once they had dropped us off we immediately made our way to their room, Hange's hand wrapped around my waist the entire time. Things were already semi-awkward from the car still, so the thought of bringing up the Yelena conversation from early didn't seem completely off the table.

Finding Serendipity  (Hange x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now