Jerome" Well to tell you the truth I was hoping it would be you"

Charlie" Oh and why is that?"

Jerome tells Josh to take a break and he pulls me to one side. We sit on the sofa and he takes my hand which only makes my stomach flutter. He stutters a bit which is so cute before he gets his words out.

Jerome" Charlie, I like you, I mean I really like you, I liked you from the first moment I saw you"

Charlie" Awwww, Jerome, I really like you too, I just didn't know how to say it"

Jerome" Look I was wondering if it's okay with you and maybe your brother because I know he is protective of you and he doesn't like me very ,much, so I just wondered that maybe"

I watched Jerome stuttering like crazy and smiled, it was so so cute. I take his hand give him a kiss on the cheek.

Charlie" Jerome, of course I will go out with you, it's okay really and don't worry about my other half I'll sort him out"

Jerome*smiles* Thanks Charlie"

I sit down on the stage to watch Jerome play when Alfie runs in all agitated and waving his arms around.

Alfie" Dude, are you looking for a new ping pong partner?"

Jerome" No, no, that's not what this is, I mean what makes you say that?"

Alfie then points to a big roster that has all different names on it, with the big letters spelling out BE MY PING PONG PARTNER.

Jerome" Yeah, okay there is that but you saw the other team, we can't take any chances, we have to be ready"

Alfie" But"

Jerome" Look, you are still on the list"

Alfie" No I am not, I've looked"

Jerome then writes it down and Alfie is still not happy about it.

Jerome" Look Alfie forget these losers, you can still be my ping pong partner, I'm just seeing the competition"

Everyone gives Jerome dirty looks and I've never seen a room clear out so fast, not even Alfie's chemical explosion cleared out the lab. Alfie takes the paddle and Jerome sets his down.

Jerome" Great, now what?"

I hop of the stage and come over to Jerome.

Charlie" I can give it a go, I used to play for my school team"

Jerome" Alright then, show us what you got"

I show Jerome my skills and he is actually impressed. He comes over to me and hands me Alfie's ping pong paddle.

Jerome" Charlie, you are my new partner"

Charlie" Thanks"

Later on I meet up with my brother in the computer room, he smiles when he sees me.

Eddie" Hey sis, what's happened since the last five minutes we were together"  

I chuckle me and my brother always joke that we can't be apart for long because we are twins. We know other people think it. We sit down at a computer and Eddie smiles at me.

Charlie" Well there is two things I need to tell you"

Eddie" Okay, is it good or bad?"

Charlie" Eddie!"

Eddie" Sorry, sorry, go on"

Charlie" Okay so, you know the ping pong tryouts that Jerome was holding, I kinda went to do it"

Eddie" What do you mean kind of?"

Charlie" Okay, well I went and I used to play ping pong at my old school I got us into the championships twice. Then he said he loved it and that I was his new partner, so I am now playing in the ping pong tournament with him"

Eddie" Well, okay, wow, well I will be there at the games to support my twin, well done sis"

Eddie pats me on the back and hugs me.

Eddie" I'm proud of you sis"

Charlie" Eddie I haven't done anything yet"

Eddie" Still, oh there was something else right?"

Charlie" Um, no no, that was it"

Eddie"Oh okay"

I sigh I knew i should tell him, he is my brother after all and just not just that my twin brother, the one I tell everything to, the one I go to when I'm sad or anxious but for some reason it just didn't come out. I look as Eddie has now approached Patricia and they talking about something but Amber soon pulls her out. Eddie nudges my arm to look at Mara.

Eddie" Follow my lead"

Mara is sitting at one of the computers.

Eddie" There is actually some really great stuff on here"

Mara" Do you think so?"

Eddie" No, not at all, if I could swap my eyeballs with the part of my brain that now holds this information I would"


Mara" Hey, don't hold back to save my feelings"

Eddie" Mara I am"

Mara" Oh you are right and it's terrible because I spent all my time researching another story"

Charlie" What story?

Mara" Just the biggest scoop of the century"

Charlie" Well what are you waiting for, let's get it online right bro?"

Eddie" Oh yeah"

Mara" I can't, I promised I wouldn't its about one of the staff"

Eddie" What are you a teachers pet, look you are better than that"

Mara then reaches for her USB and slots it into her MacBook. The story uploads and then me and Eddie both see the article about Vera.

Eddie and Charlie" Whoa this is a scoop?"

Mara gives us that look, the one where mostly all students do when we say things together.

Mara" It is a scoop and if I don't publish it it might get brushed under the carpet"

Eddie" I mean my sister here is a great journalist, she writes amazing pieces, you would post this right sis?"

Charlie" Oh yeah totally, this is brilliant"

Eddie" Go on you owe it to everyone as a journalist"

Mara" I press this button and the story goes live"

We both then watch in anticipation as Mar then presses the button after hovering over it.

Story Notes
So what happens when you mix Alfie Lewis with unknown chemicals not a good reaction. Charlie becomes Jerome's new ping pong partner and The Twins push Mara to upload her article.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think down below. Your comments make my day. I hope you enjoyed. Exciting stuff is going to start happening soon and I'm here for all of it. From my past updates I said I have written some chapter I am excited about so I can't wait to post them. Also I am halfway through series 2 on my writing.
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