Chapter 11 fight

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Ashley's POV

I was sleeping peacefully with carols when I felt someone jump on my bed I woke up to see Izzy plus moose and south and of course Lucas plus shelly I said "we didn't do anything." Lucas said "you still didn't follow direction." Carlos said "relax dude I'm a good guy." Shelly said "he doesn't trust you or her I don't either." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and got changed then went downstairs izzy said "Why do girls and boys sleep together?" I went pale and same with carols plus shelly and Lucas. Mom said "well sweetie when you're older like me and daddy you sleep in the same bed cause you guys love each other but when you're young like your sissy and brother they don't know what love is yet so they have to wait and do so if they did so they will be in a lot of trouble." Looking at Lucas me carols and shelly with her arm crossed I said "I swear I didn't." Putting my hands up in defense but didn't know louis plus phoebe and daisy were here they said "yeah right like you of all people listen to what you're told." I hit my forehead and glared at them I said "I didn't I swear." Izzie said "not what I saw." I groaned and said "just ground me." Dad said "so you're saying that carols and You slept together When we told you not too?" Carlos said "yes sir and I didn't do anything with her it was all my idea." Mom said "but we said you guys weren't allowed too you're grounded." I said "thank heavens cause I was getting tired of that conversation." Then we went out to get some breakfast for everyone. We headed to the starbucks and waited this girl kept eyeing me down I turned around and said "may I help you with something?" with my arms crossed she said "yeah with your tone." I said "I'm sorry that I don't like people eyeing me down." Lucas said "ashley."I said "what she was eyeing me down." She said "so I was what's the issue?" Crossing her arms I said "why were you eyeing me down?" She said "cause you got my boy in trouble." Shelly said "who's your boy?" She said "michale he was yelling at your ex." pointing to my ex who of coursed walked in I said "can they hurry up with the stuff?" Carlos said "we got alot." I said "I know but I need to get out of here before I beat someone." Carlos wrapped his arms around me and said "relax you'll be fine." Then someone said "she'll be better if you weren't all over her" I looked up and saw olivia I goraned and said "why me." Carlos looked at and her and said "I'm dating her." Harry said "and her parent's approve?" Looking at me I said "yeah I believe they approve." Carlos said "they love me." I chuckled and the girl that was eyeing me said "and I gag why can't you just stay out of trouble and not get my boy involed." Lucas said "first off he's not your boy he's married second off trouble is her middle name and she doesn't get him involed he get's involed in the first place cause he cares about her." She said "so if I punched her right now I would get to meet him?" Olivia said "yeah but he wouldn't be happy and wouldn't want to meet you." She rolled her eyes at her and turned to her and said "I really don't care old lady I'll punch you instead." That pissed me off so I jumped at her and beat her up she did the same lucas pulled me off of her I said "that's what happens when you say that?" Lucas was holding me back the girl said "you're physico like the rest of the girls." I broke out of lucas's arms and ran back to her and beat her up again this time harry pulled me off of her and said "that's enough." I said "she deserved it." Shelly grabbed our stuff but not before the police caught me and said "you're under arrested for assulting her." I said "I'm 13 you can't arrest me and she assulted me too." They said "we can your parent will just have to bail you out and that's why she's coming with us too." I said "and they will." Shelly said "just be quiet we will get you out." Then they put me in back of the cop car and I was off to the station with the girl not how I pictured my day to be this guy was looking me up and down I turned around and said " I'm 13 manwhore." He smirked at me and said "doesn't mean I can't do this or look at you." While touching my waist I pushed him off me and said "leave me alone." The police officer said "settle down in there and don't touch eachother I'll have you wait longer." I said "officer he touched me first I was defending myself." He said "miss I don't care your parents are on their way." I said "just put me in jail then cause I'm going to jail anyways when I get home." He said "ma I can't do that with out your parent's permission." I sighed and sat on the bench then my parents showed up not happy at all I said "I don't need a lecture." My mom said "how about we just keep you in here then?" I said "I would love that." She sighed and the officer let me out my dad said "you're on very thin ice right now what were you thinking." I said "I was thinking that she needed that." My mom said "she probaly did but you shouldn't have done that then assulting a guy in there who you don't know what he could have done to you you're not thinking." I said "I'm sorry I didn't want to get rapped he was all over me and I didn't like it." My dad said "you could have gotten hurt or killed your grounded until we say your ungrounded." I said "fine with me." My mom said "stop with this." Then we got home and I went straight to my room and sighed it's always me but I do bring it on myself but they deserved it. Then I went down for lunch then went back upstairs with out doing the dishes my dad said "Ashley do the dishes." I looked at him then at the dishes and did them then went back to my room and slept after that I smoked some weed and then headed down for dinner then I cleaned the table and did the dishes then I got ready for bed.

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