Chapter 4 fight

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Lucas's POV
Shane kept bothering Ashley once again today and it started to really bug me I went over to him and said "dude stop messing with my sister or I will hurt you!!!" I got close to him He looked me up and down and turned to his friends and said "he acts tough but isn't as tough as he thinks he is." I balled my fist into a ball ready to swing Ashley said "don't." And got in front of me I said "Ashley he's being a dick to you he has to learn he can't be one!!!" Daisy said "not by fighting him that's what he wants." Shane said "and I'll get it swing at me bro see what will happen." Smirking at me if I do it I'll get suspended but I don't care at the moment as the crowd started to form we were just staring each other down waiting for someone to swing first then someone said "are you going to just stare at each other or swing?" Ashley said "there won't be a fight." I said "I guess you're right." I walked away he said "he's a chicken." I turned around and sung my fist right into his face the crowd gasped and then he got up wiping the blood from his face he said "oh it's on now." But not before daisy Phoebe and Ashley got in the way but didn't stop him he ran straight into phoebe and daisy sending them flying to the floor as he stepped on them Ashley said "stop you're hurting them!!!!" He stopped and looked what he did he said "shit I'm dead now." As he saw daisy's boyfriend helping her up he looked at him and ran up to him and punched him in the face then a teacher came over and said "you girls and boys come with me." Ashley said "us girls were not involved we were trying to stop it." The teacher said "exactly miss Clifford now come with me." Then we all ended up in the principal's office and he explained his side then it was our turn we walked in and the principal said "now what really happened?" I said "I punched him for insulting me and bothering my sister then they tried to stop it and he trampled daisy and phoebe then daisy's boyfriend punched him he tried to fight back with me but the girls got in the way." The principal said "you guys are suspended for a week." Ashley said "but we didn't do shit but still get in trouble so messed up when we were trying to help unbelievable." She sat back on the chair with her arms crossed He said "now miss Clifford I know what you thought you were doing was good trying to stop them but we don't toalerate it that's why you got in trouble too your parents are on their way." I sighed knowing this wasn't a good thing only 3 days into this new home and now we'll get thrown out all because I had to start this stupid fight. I walked out there the principal was calling my name same with my sister I knew running away wouldn't help me either but that's all I could think of at the moment I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get away from there I found a place and sat there and just smoked my weed.

Ashley's POV
Lucas just got up and left I tried to go after him but daisy and phoebe told me to stay I sighed and said "great we're going to end back in the adoption center now because of him." I sighed daisy said "I don't think so They will be mad but they would never send you back to that horrible place." I sighed and waited there nervously mom and dad walked in and only saw me daisy and phoebe Louis walked in too my mom said "you said her brother was here too where is he?" The principal said "he left the building we have no idea where he ran off too he's not on school property anymore we searched." She sighed and said "just tell us what happened and then we will go and look for him he's dead now." I sighed and snuck into my seat ready to break down but didn't yet then the principal explained what happened my dad said "I'm so sorry they did this I don't know what got into them it won't happen again." Then they shook the principal's hand and said "I would hope not their good kids." Then they brought me to the car I got in silent mom said "what were you thinking!!!" I said "I was trying to help but obviously that didn't work." Dad said "we know that but when you thought you were helping you weren't your grounded until your back in school hand over the phone." I did then they dropped me off at home and I went straight to my room.

Michael's POV
I can't believe they did this crystal and I were going to look for Lucas I was done with him at this point then we saw him at a park I stopped the car crystal said "I got this because I don't want you to go to hard on him." I sighed and said "I won't I got this man to man". I got out he saw me and just stayed there knowing if he ran it wouldn't end well for him I sat next to him he sighed and said "just take us back now cause I ruined everything now right?" Taking another drag of his blunt I sighed and pulled him into a side hug and said "we would never in a million years take you back to that place you messed up we all do but don't be running from your problems you gotta face them yes we're mad and your grounded for 2 weeks but doesn't mean we don't love you anymore." He said "I'm so sorry he was just being such a dick to her so much I didn't know how else to react he provoked me." I said "I'll take care of it alright get in the car before your mother murders us." He chuckled and handed me his phone then he hopped into the back and we headed home we got home and he went straight to his room the boys and girls were there Sierra said "what happened?" Crystal said "long story short Lucas got into a fight with Shane and then the girls were trying to make them stop and got in trouble too then lucas ran away thinking we would give them up." I said "which we would never do we just gotta earn their trust." Luke said "now their grounded?" I said "yeah until they go back to school." Then I called everyone down for dinner we ate they were back in their room after they cleaned the dishes I got Izzy ready for bed she's been sleeping with me and crystal for the past 3 nights to afraid to sleep alone I tried putting her in her bed she said "lu." I looked and saw Luke I said "you got her?" He said "yeah she'll be asleep in no time." Then I got ready for bed and climbed in next to crystal and wrapped my arms around her and fell fast to sleep.

Adopted by the Clifford'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora