Chapter 5 talking to him

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Michael's POV

There was a knock at the door I got it it was the boys we were finishing up our new album today that sounds amazing and will be out soon. Ashton said "there's a guy across the street that is watching your house." I looked out and noticed it was shane I walked over to him and said "aren't you suppose to be at school?" He said "aren't you suppose to be at work oh wait you don't have a actual job." I said "oh wait your exspelled I forgot for beating up my son and starting shit with my daughter." He laughed and said "they were the ones that were starting shit." I said "please leave you provoked them." Then a girl walked over and said "Michael if you gotta a issue with my family talk to me about it oh wait we don't speak anymore you hate my guts and Abagail's too." It was arzela and Abby I was about to say something when someone yelled out the window "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GIRLS ALWAYS HERE TO SAVE HIM HE DOESN'T NEED SAVING HE NEEDS DISCIPLINE AND TO BE IN JAIL!!!!!!!" I looked and saw Ashely yelling out the window getting the boys attention they walked out to see what was going on I sighed getting annoyed and said "ladies and gent leave my neighborhood now or I will get the cops involed." Arzela laughed so did shane and Abby Abby said "he's bluffing but let's get you back to the house cause you are still grounded even know Arzela doesn't care we're so scared." And smirked at me I rolled my eyes and said "get the hell out of here now!!!! and never come back any of you I'm done with you guys!!!!" Little did I know and they know that the boys called the cops who showed up when they were leaving and said "we will see about that have fun not working." I said "you girls are the ones to speak you girls don't have jobs leave me alone get out of here the cops will take you away!!!" Then I stomped back over to my house and said "let's get to work I'm over those three of course he fucking lives with arzela can't get her or abby out of my life they need to move on I certainly have and so has luke." Luke said "honestly she does it for attention now which is not needed." I said "agreed she wants to start a war a war she will loose but I'll take care of them." Then we got straight to work.

Ashley's POV

I wanted to tell them off so little did my dad know I jumped out the window and followed them all the way to their house which was past the school they walked right past I almost made it past when someone said "Ashley I thought you were grounded and suspended." I saw Daisy and phoebe plus Shelly and Carlos too I said "I'm but I wanted to tell Shane off but their gone now so I'm back to prison now." Daisy said "isn't he exspelled too?" I said "oh right that's why ugh I want to follow him but I won't I'm going back home before my dad notices I'm gone and before I get yelled at cause they just put him in a bad mood and aren't you and phobe suspended too." They said "yeah we were just picking up our work." Then I ran straight into Louis I said "I was just leaving I was heading home you never saw me." He said "I'll take you home we won't mention this to your father but don't do this again." I said "I won't." Then he brought me home and I climbed back into my room just in time for my dad to check on me he said lunch was ready I went and ate then went back to my room and took a nap then at the end of the day daisy and phoebe dropped off my work that they got for me and I did it then we had dinner not to long afterwards after I was done striaght to my room again then I showered and got changed into my pjs and went to sleep for the night since I had nothing else to do and couldn't do anything else.

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