Chapter 17: Flight

Start from the beginning

Akali: I guess...are you done packing?

Joe: Yup, got everything here. Now we just gotta wait for Ahri and Eve.

I sat on the couch and grabbed my laptop.

Seraphine: Whatcha doing?

Joe: Making a new beat. Hopefully I'm not too rusty.

Kai'sa: You'll be fine baby.

So I started with the beat and got lost in time. Betore I knew it the door opened and Eve and Ahri walked in.

Joe: Hey girls! How did it go?

Ahri: Pretty good. You ready for business?

Joe: Sure thing.

They sat down next to me and handed me the contract. I checked through it.

Ahri: The rights for new songs will be split 60% to you and 40% to the label. Same with money.

Evelynn: They actually wanted it the other way around and the split to be 80/20, but we quickly shot that down.

Joe: Well aren't they greedy?

Evelynn: They're a bunch of assholes that like taking advantage of smaller artists, or artists that are without label, but since you're our boyfriend we managed to pull a few strings.

Ahri: Loans would come with 30% interest, but I have a feeling you won't need any.

Joe: True that. I do most of my work alone. Anything else I should know?

Evelynn: Not really. Just that after you sign the contract you're stuck with us.

Joe: What is this, a marriage contract?

Ahri: No, but now that I think about it, we could've put something like that in the contract as well...too late now I guess.

I sighed and signed the contract.

Ahri: Congratulations on joining KDA productions, your heart and soul now belong to us.

Joe: They already did, before I even signed the contract.

Evelynn: How sweet of you. I'm guessing you're done packing?

Joe: Yup.

Ahri: And Akali?

Akali: All done.

She dropped her suitcase to the ground as she came down the stairs.

Joe: Well, since we have nothing else to do we can just relax for the rest of the day.

KDA: Sounds good.

We all got comfortable on the couch, Ahri put her tails on my lap and handed me a hair brush.

Ahri: Can you brush my tails?

I simply grabbed it out of her hands and started brushing. She immediately relaxed and leaned into me. We kept this up for another four hours, before eventually heading to bed.

The next morning

I sat downstairs eating pancakes made by Kai'sa. Eve and Ahri were also there drinking coffee.

Joe: So anything I should know before we head to Ionia?

Kai'sa: You should probably be ready to hide your identity. We're bound to be bombarded by fans once we land.

Joe: Good to know.

Ahri: The limousine should be here soon.

Joe: Limousine?

Famous or InFamous (KDA x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now