I decide to go to the bathroom before I leave, maybe by the time I'm finished I would have missed the bus and I will have no choice but to walk. I walk into the bathroom, no one is around, and I quickly do my business. I'm just about to leave when all of a sudden, I'm absolutely saturated in freezing cold water and pushed. I slip over on the floor and try to regain my balance. As I fall to the ground, I can see the sink coming closer to my face and I can't stop it. My head cracks on the side of the sink just above my right eye and I'm pulled into darkness, with the sound of Joey and Mikey's laughter.

I wake up and I'm freezing cold, it's dark and I can't see much. My head is absolutely pounding. The memories of being pushed and hitting my head come back to me and I groan in frustration. I stand up slowly on shaky legs, I feel like I want to puke.

My eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and I make out the toilet just in time, before I'm emptying my guts into it. I feel shaky and dizzy and really, really cold. I think of the boys, they must be so worried. How long have I been out for? I reach for my phone in my pocket and see I have 50 missed calls, all from the boys and Harry. Shit they are going to kill me.

I go to open the bathroom door and the handle won't turn, I'm locked in, just fucking great. Either Joey and Mikey locked me in, or the janitor didn't check the toilets before he locked them. I check the time on my phone it's 7:34pm I've been out for 4 and a half hours. I must have hit my head really hard, I just want to cry. Why wouldn't Joey call someone, I could have died, but I guess that's what they want. I debate who to call. Scott and Andy will most likely yell, Edward will be so worried and disappointed in me, Drew will be an absolute wreck with worry. I decide on Harry. He will be worried but won't blame me and will listen to what I have to say before jumping to conclusions. My mind is so foggy I can't focus properly, it takes me a few minutes to dial Harry's number. He answers in two rings.

"Louis?" he says panicked. Ohhhhhhh maybe Harry wasn't the right person to call.

"H" I say quietly, my voice hoarse.

"Are you ok Lou, where are you?" he says quickly I can hear the boys in the background asking questions. He shushes them.

"I-I-I-Im ok I think" I say, my head starts to really pound, and my vision goes funny. I slide to the floor of the bathroom leaning against the wall.

"Where are you?" he asks trying to sound calm.

"I hit my head I-I-In the bathroom, I was pushed.......Joey and Mikey" I say slowly, I'm concentrating so hard on making sense, I can feel myself slipping into sleep again.

"The bathrooms at school?" Harry asks, but I can't respond.

"Louis baby??" Harry questions, my stomach flutters at the nickname.

"Yeah, at school" I manage.

"We're coming Lou" he says, and I can hear him explaining to people what's going on.

"H I'm so tired, I can't, I can't think" I stutter out.

"Stay with me Lou, don't go back to sleep" he says.

"I have to" I say.

"No! Louis you need to stay awake for me" he almost yells.

"Please don't yell at me H" I whimper "d-d-d-d don't be mad" I whisper.

"I'm not mad at you gorgeous, at all. I just need you to stay awake ok"

"Ok" I say.

Harry stays on the phone with me for what feels like forever. By the time I hear voices outside the doors my head feels like it's going to explode. I hear the door unlock and the first person I see is a police officer, he turns the light on, and I squint.

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