Chapter 13 | A Trying Night

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"And I have the power to break out again," Jack returns. I did it once. I can do it again.

"Or, I have the power to see to it that you never have to return. That you can have more money than you could make in, say, three lifetimes. That you can leave the city, and go ... wherever it is you want to go."

Santa Fe.

He's been chasing this dream for some time now.

He plays with the thought in his mind.

He has the perfect opportunity now to leave it all behind and be on the first train to Santa Fe.

But not like this.

This will not be how he gets to Santa Fe.

He'll just have to find another way to get there someday.

Jack leans forward. "Are you bribin' me, Joe?"

Pulitzer doesn't respond.

Jack leans back again. "'Cause it ain't gonna work."

He thinks he's finally got Pulitzer, but Pulitzer has one more trick up his sleeve. "I understand you have a selling partner, right? And oh, what's his name ... David, yes?"

Jack's heart stops.

Leave Davey out of this.

Pulitzer must have sensed that he struck a nerve. "He has a family, yes? What do you think jail would do to him, to his family? And it would be you who put him there."

"Stop," Jack whispers, voice suddenly hoarse. "Just stop."

Pulitzer smiles shrewdly. "I'm giving you a very simple offer, boy. Work for me, and all your friends go free. If you don't, if you continue this strike, David and all the others will have to suffer the consequences."

Jack doesn't know what to do.

On one hand, he could say no to Pulitzer. Put David and his friends in jail.

Or he could accept Pulitzer's deal. He could leave for Santa Fe, or he could stay, but either way, David and everyone else will be safe.

In one situation, he shows David that he's changed, that he can stay strong. In that situation, David gets locked up. In the other situation, he proves David wrong, that he can't change, that he'll run at the first sign of conflict. But it's the situation where David stays free. 

No matter what, Jack has to keep David safe. So, in the end, when it really comes down to what his final decision will be, most of his hesitance goes away.


David waits outside, crouched down at the end of the stairs, knowing that Jack has to come out and some point.

And there Jack is.

David stands up. "Jack, come on!" he yells.

Jack doesn't think twice. David told him to do something, and he's not going to question it. He scales the railing and runs with David.

"Come on, this way!" David urges. His plan is working. They can get away. He knows they can. It's all going great.

No. Jack can't do this. If he does, bad things happen to David. And he can't let that happen.

As they run through an alley, Jack slows down until he stops.

David continues running, then stops and turns around when he realizes Jack isn't following him anymore. "What are you doing? They'll come any second-!"

Together Again ~ A Javid Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora