Chapter 12 | Stand Tall In Court

Start from the beginning

Now it's Spot's turn to look at Race with wide eyes, wondering what he's doing, and what he's going to say next.

Race looks up at the judge. "Say, how 'bout I roll ya for it, double or nothin'?" His tongue flicks out-in, and he smirks.

Every newsie starts laughing again, much to his satisfaction.

But most importantly, it made Spot laugh.

So now both of the newsies' stand-in leaders got them to laugh.

Oh, what a mess they're in. But they have each other, and a sense of humor, and for now, that's enough to help them through this.

Of course, they're missing two of their people.

That problem is solved--or at least half of it--when Denton and David come in, Sarah and Les not too far behind.

"I'll pay the fines," Denton tells the judge, firmness in his voice. "All of them."


And finally, the situation is finally sinking in for everyone there.

Denton and David rush over to the newsies, while the newsies crowd around from behind their side of the divided room.

"Are you guys okay?" David asks.

"We could be worse," Spot answers.

"Nah, I think this is worse," Race counters.

Spot shoves Race's shoulder, rolling his eyes.

"We need to gather everyone," Denton tells them all, bringing Race and Spot back to the present moment, having them give him their undivided attention. "We need to make a plan, tomorrow at Tibby's."

And this is why they need a man like Denton.

A man who treats them as equals, and not kids lower than him.

They don't know what they would do without him.

Suddenly, Jack is led into the room by Snyder. And now, everyone is here.

"Hiya, fellas!" Jack says, trying to sound as cheerful as he can to hide his fear.

"Hey, Cowboy!" Race shouts immediately. "Nice shiner!" He sticks his tongue out.

Spot smiles, watching Race, as everyone else chuckles at what he said. Race only sees Spot looking at him from the corner of his peripheral vision; he doesn't see the fondness in Spot's eyes. 

But once again, their light-hearted moment evaporates as more serious matters pick up again.

"So Denton? How'd my picture look this time?" Jack asks.

"None of the papers covered the rally," Denton tells him grimly. "Not even The Sun."

Any newsie who heard that needs to take a second to let that sink in.

Jack is led right in front of the judge.

"I'll speak for this boy," Snyder tells the judge, eyes triumphant.

"You two know each other," Jack mutters. "How wonderful." He should have known that there would be outright bias against him.

If Snyder heard him, he doesn't show it. "This boy's real name is Francis Sullivan."

David's face falls.

Snyder continues, relentless. "His mother is deceased, his father is in prison. He had original sentence of three months in the House of Refuge was extended to six months from his insolent behavior-"

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