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There was at least a three page list Maisie could recite about how strange she thought Renesmee was, but that was a given. The situation had been strange from the get-go, from the very moment Edward Cullen fell in love with a human Bella Swan...things were going to be strange. But now, as Maisie looked down at the strange child in her arms things felt extra strange.

Though Maisie acknowledged that her understanding of the passage of time had been skewed after decades of living constant days with no breaks, she was still pretty sure that Renesmee was only a few hours old. She also didn't have much experience with babies, so maybe it was normal for a newborn to be so lively and less like the infants she has seen on tv. However Carlisle confirmed her confusion when he went through his thorough checkup. Renesmee Cullen had been alive for a total of seven hours and already had the appearance of a baby that was around a month and a half old.

Somehow her vampire genes were speeding up the aging process whereas in turned vampires it stopped it all together. Maisie wondered how long it would be before Renesmee was a fully grown adult with parents that look the same age as herself.

Still, despite being weird and maybe a little creepy, Renesmee Carlie Cullen was quite adorable. She cooed happily in the vampire arms and wiggled her body around when Maisie allowed the tips of her fingers to gently tickle her sides. Maisie knew that there were at least three other people watching her closely interact with the baby but she chose not to pay them any attention.

Rosalie had taken an immediate claim to Renesmee, as everyone knew she would from the moment she started defending Bella. So she was in the corner of the room watching Maisie like a hawk, as though she suddenly felt nothing but pure unbridled distrust for her fellow vampire. Despite the fact that Maisie had been on her side since the moment she learned about Bella's pregnancy. It seemed that it was taking every ounce of the blonde's self control to keep herself from launching across the room and ripping the baby from her grasp.

Jacob wasn't even across the room, he was practically standing on top of Maisie as she cradled Renesmee. A few times Maisie caught him attempting to reach out for the young girl out of the corner of her eye, and he seemed to have to physically restrain himself by shoving his hands into his cargo shorts. It had only been a few hours and Jacob was already proving to be significantly more overwhelming with his Imprint than Paul was. Maybe it was because she was a baby and he felt the need to constantly protect her, or maybe it was the circumstances that made him feel so tense. Either way, she hoped that he calmed down soon or else he might send himself into an early grave from all the stress.

Paul was the last person she could feel watching her. He sat reclined with Emmett on the couch, half watching whatever football game the buff vampire had put on and half paying attention to her. Though not for nearly the same reasons as the other two. Paul was pretty confident that Maisie wasn't going to harm the baby, but he did think the sight of his girlfriend cradling a baby was rather odd. Something he voices several times, and even poking fun of how awkward she looked as she rocked Renesmee back and forth to keep her calm.

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