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       I'M GOING TO BE HONEST, I HATE THE IDEA OF WRITING IN THIS. Ariel swears up and down that this will be good for me, that writing in their own journal was very therapeutic for them over the years. They also said that giving you a name would help me feel more personalized, like you're a real person listening to all my problems.

        So, I hope you like the name Jen. Though I guess it doesn't really matter since you're nothing but a leather bound notebook that will likely be stored in my desk drawer for the next several months. Clearly I don't think this is going to work, but for Ariel's sake I'm going to attempt; this one time.

       Ariel and I are a lot different, nearly two decades of travelling with them has proved this over and over again. They're someone no one would expect to be anything other than how they appear. Human, beautifully, and wonderfully human. Yet, she's just like me, a vampire. A monster. Ariel doesn't have a gift, though a friend of ours suspects that human traits become stronger after the turn, which would explain why just being around her made people forget their worries and their issues...even if just for a moment. They're a calming spirit, simply loved by everyone.

       Though it isn't just Ariel and I...my sister, Penny was changed just moments before I was all those years ago and since then we've been traveling together. Penny is hard headed and stubborn, probably one of the most frustrating people in the world and yet I love her more than life itself. Despite all of our arguments and differences, something only natural of immortal siblings stuck with each other for eternity. She's one of the strongest people I know, which is why I'm so happy that she found her mate in Ariel. Penny does have a gift, a siren like quality that drew humans and vampires to her with little to no effort on her part. A few simple words and her seductress nature would have everyone bowing at her feet. It's a gift she despises greatly, and it makes her love with Ariel even more special. She never had to use her gift.

      My gift is similar I suppose, though it doesn't draw people too me-


       Maisie was jerked from her writing when the front door slammed shut.

       It wasn't uncommon for her to become so invested in the things around her that she toned out her senses, in fact usually she tried to ignore them all together. Mostly because she lived with two very in love people. She heard Ariel and Penny's loud chatter as they returned from their early morning hunt, and only a few seconds later soothing piano music was filling the house.

       Maisie had stopped hunting with them several years ago, she performed a cleaner hunt. She was methodical in almost everything she did, which was another reason why Ariel had suggested she start writing in a journal.

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