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       THE FIRST IMPRESSION that Isabella Swan had of Maisie Alvarez was absolutely intimidating. The human figured she would be fine around Cullen's life long friend having been around the seven family members quite frequently, and she felt completely comfortable around Ariel. Ariel reminded her of a strange mixture of Alice and Esme. A loving aura surrounded them and it drew Bella in.

       Penny was a different story, she was loud and towered over Bella with her impressive height only enhanced by the tall black heels she was wearing. She immediately made a joke about Edward being a stick in the mud that Bella awkwardly laughed at and bit down on her lip. Edward didn't seem to like her very much, but then again...Edward didn't seem to like anyone that much.

        Maisie had been a little late coming to meet her, she'd been told about the hunting incident and the mysterious vampire's disheveled appearance. When she finally came flowing down the stairs, her hair damp from her shower and a new set of clothes on she seemed almost peaceful. But the look in her golden eyes as she came to a stop in front of the human, just as tall with her sister with matching heels, was terrifying.

       "You must be Isabella," she said, then paused pursing together her lips which had been painted a nice shade of red, the darkness of the color standing out against her vibrantly pale skin, "But you prefer Bella...I remember." the human noticed her look towards Edward who was watching her with calculated eyes. Bella was hardly surprised by his reaction; he always felt uncomfortable with her around anyone but himself. Even his own family.

       "Now that we're all here..." Penny started a wicked smirk forming on her lip which was painted a red just a shade darker than her older sisters, "Tell us, how did you and our darling Edweirdo meet."

       The vampire in question noticeably tense and glared at his supposed friend. Penny was quite right in her accusation of him being the stick in the mud, unable to take even the most harmless of teasing. Which of course only made her tease him more.

       "Well we met at school...in Biology class."

       "Biology..." Maisie hummed tapping a long finger against her chin, "I hardly remember the science classes. I was more of a English girl, what about you do you like science? Biology in specific? The make-up of everything? Your own biology?"

       Bella seemed to hesitate with answering and Maisie smirked, her question earned her a nudge from Ariel who knew exactly what she was doing. She fumbled over her answer and Maisie snickered, "You seem like a smart girl Swan...smart enough to know what you're getting into. Think about your biology...think about our biology."

       She stressed the word 'our' as she spoke and motioned towards the vampires in the room, "Just something to think about...otherwise congratulations on your engagement."

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