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       IT DIDN'T TAKE a mind reader for Maisie to notice that most of the vampires in the house thought it would be best for her to go hunting before the arrival of Bella. In fact it was made incredibly obvious when Maisie walked back in the living room after putting her bag down in her small loft bedroom, and heard Rosalie snarkily say, "It'd be better for her to just take a bite, it'd get all the drama out of the way at least."

       Maisie wasn't a new vegetarian by any means, she'd been feeding on animals since she was changed, though with quite a few slip-ups as she seemed to feel some of the most intense blood lust Carlisle had ever seen. Her first few days as a Newborn had been violent and bloody, only having gotten worse when she realized she could control her meals with just a simple locking of eyes.

       She took the hint and excused herself to go hunt, already having pulled her long dark brown hair up in a ponytail and mapping an easy route she could take in her mind.

       "Please be careful," Esme said, and before Maisie could argue that she was a vampire, and everything should be careful of her, the woman continued, "We've got a treaty with the Quileute wolves, we don't cross over onto LaPush land."

       "Though it would give me a good excuse to give that Paul LaHote a taste of his own medicine."

       Maisie remembered hearing about the wolves a few times when talking to the Cullens, more importantly she remembered the last time Penny spoke to Roslie on the phone about the wolf that had ruined their chances at killing the vampire that had been threatening their family.

       Though they hadn't exactly been specific as to why they were being hunted, Maisie never thought it would be because Edward got himself a human girlfriend.

       "I'll be careful." she promised smiling at the motherly woman with a full set of teeth and rolling her eyes at the groan that Emmett let out a groan.

       Maisie was out of the house in the blink of an eye, the tense feeling she had felt away the second she focused her being on finding an animal. The woods by the Cullens were much louder than the ones by her home, miles away she heard a creek and made a mental note to stay away.

       To her delight she caught wind of a bear, they weren't common around her area. It wasn't often that the vegetarians took on such a large animal. The fear of dying was gone, rather it was the fear of getting your clothes torn to bits of the amount of mess it would likely cause.

       Maisie had an advantage, looking in the bears eyes and making it still would ensure an easy hunt for her. But she was in the mood for a fight.

       She kept herself low to the ground as she ran through the woods, surely if she were to cross paths with another vampire they would think she looked a little strange but she hardly cared in the moment. Especially as slight grunts of the bear came closer.

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