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in which; the gang make the first stop
on their giant killing tour.

HANA WOULD HAVE LOVED TO SAY they acted badass and defeated the giant easily like a Tristan McLean movie- sadly that was not the case. One thing they did manage though was that cool moment when shit gets real, and everyone just looks at each other and knows what to do. When they all learnt to read each other so well, no one could tell- but they knew the game plan, and that was all that mattered.

Leo dashed for the construction equipment, Piper bloated over to her father while Jason and Hana stood in the center of the cleaning, knees bent and weapons at the ready. They faced down the giant for mere milliseconds. Jason turned to her, "like at school?"

"Like at school." She answered. Hana had no time to think about how much Jason remembered, because the two of them ran straight at Enceladus, charging with a battle cry.

They fought like a team, Hana slashing to distract the giant while Jason managed a good stab with his lance. The battle started like that, the two of them working on instincts alone. It worked in their favour, Jason was a hard hitter, his Lance powerful and something no sane giant would want poking out of their eye, Hana was small and fast- hard to pin down, her attacks were unpredictable as she slashed at Enceladus's thick skin.

The two demigods paced themselves, managing to avoid being flame-grilled or flattened. Hana managed one good upwards stroke of her sword, it slashing through the giant's shin, golden ichor, the blood of immortals, dripped down- coating her sword arm. When Enceladus was busy cursing her out, calling her puny and a dirty fighter, Jason rolled away from the giant's first spear thrust and jabbed Enceladus in the ankle.

His javelin managed to pierce the thick dragon hide, and the giant's golden blood splattered against Jason's purple shirt, trickling down the giant's clawed foot.

Enceladus bellowed in pain and blasted him with fire. Jason scrambled away, Hana rolled a hard left. The two ducked under and behind the giant. With one look between them, they struck in unison, Hana plunged her sword in the back of enceladus' knee as Jason stabbed his lance down on the opposite knee.

The giant swept it's spear across the clearing, Hana jumped up, leaping over it like a game of helicopter that she would have played in her primary school dats. The point collided with a bulldozer dangerously, and she risked a glance to check on Piper and Leo.

They were battling earthborn and Hana looked over, almost having to do a double take when Leo erupted in flames. They seemed to be doing just fine. Hana- not so much. She missed the sight of Enceladus' spear swinging back a second time and it took out her legs. Smacking into the back of her body and knocking her down.

"Hana!" That was Leo, somewhere off in the distance, probably still on fire. "Are you still alive, rapida?"

Her body thuds to the ground, but she struggled back up- her right shoulder thudding with pain. Thankfully, that wasn't her sword arm, so Hana raised her blade glaring at the giant. "Yep! All good here- Just have a big ugly fire breathing monster to stab."

There was no response- from Leo or the giant she was trying to keep occupied, so she muttered an 'oh styx' for good measure before charging back in.

It went on like that for seconds, minutes- it was hard to judge. Jason was a good fighter and the two of them worked well together, maybe even more so now that they've both realised they've done it before. Combat raged across the whole clearing- construction equipment grinding, fire roaring, monsters shouting, and rocks smashing into metal. Leo and Piper yelling in the background as they battle the earthborn- a good sign, yelling meant they were still alive.

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