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In which; Hana finds out this goddess had
been doing some serious dream bullying.

APPARENTLY, THE TOURS WEREN'T GOING TOO WELL. Hana watched as Rachel Dare and Annabeth Chase dragged the unconscious body of the new girl, Piper, from Hera's cabin. Which set off so many red flags and confused her more than a literacy test.

"Do you need a hand?"  The two girls look up and almost drop the limp body between them in surprise. Rachel puts a hand on her chest and sighs. "Jeez, Hana. You scared the crap out of me."

Jogging over to them concern takes over as she notices the pale complexion of Piper and the tears streaming down Rachel's face.

"Oh Rachel, here I'll take her." A little pit of sadness opened itself in her stomach. Hana didn't mind helping, clearly something had happened and it definitely involved the queen of Olympus herself, which set things amiss in Hana's mind because the gods hadn't spoken to them in nearly a month.

Hana was a bit shorter than the other girls and that meant piper sloped slightly in their hold and if they weren't too careful the tips of her sneakers dragged out on the ground behind her.

They passed a few campers but thankfully not too many people chose to ask questions. Will Solace, Apollo head counsellor did take a brief break from touring one of the new guys around to ask if they needed assistance, but the girls denied his help. "We're taking her to Chiron."

Hana can see the boy (Leo?- she was bad with names) staring at the girls from the distance where Will had left him, and when he returns to his tour duty she can hear the boy ask if Piper was okay, to which Will didn't exactly respond to and instead told him that they should head to the camp forge.

"I'm not going to ask exactly what happened but am I allowed to know how she ended up unconscious?" Rachel glances at Annabeth, her blonde hair trapped uncomfortably under Piper's right arm. She grunts in response and offers only "Rachel had a weird vision."

"A prophecy?"

"Not quite," Rachel replies. Her sniffling had stopped but her eyes were still red and lined with tears. "Something about Hera's cabin, it was wrong."

Hana guesses that would be the best explanation she would receive. She wasn't a head counsellor or anything, the only reason she was told this much probably stemmed from her strange friendship with Rachel and the fact she had been at camp for a fair few years. They keep up their quick pace, hustling about as quick as they can with the girl dragging between them, Rachael hurrying along beside them.

The peeling baby-blue paint of the big house was getting closer, close enough for her to make out the shadows of clutter through the attic window.

She had a lot of memories associated with the looming building, including the camp director -who was no longer here, and his horrific ability with names (he called her Hannah Montana for a year and a half after she arrived). She found herself wondering what Mr D would have called Piper had he still been present, probably something like Paisley.

The steps creaked under them and Rachel threw open the old wooden door with force Hana didn't know existed inside the peaceful mortal.

Jason, the other boy who made quite a stir upon his arrival, was in the main room with Chiron and their dramatic entrance causes the two to rip their attention towards the door. Jason jumps to his feet hurtling towards the girls. Pipers head lolled to the side, bumping against Hana's with a low 'thunk'. "What happened? What's wrong with her?"

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