First Attempt

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"First we have to make a plan." Jinnie said. "We can't do anything without a plan."

Hoseok spoke up. "The most important thing we should keep in mind is that we have to stop that Manhole-"

"Minjoon." Jungkook said.

"Yeah. That Minjoon from catching Jungkook." Hoseok said. "That's how we prevent the whole thing."

"Excellent." Seokjin said. "But how?"

"What about," Jinnie said, "we stay beside Jungkook, that is the living one, without his knowledge. Then when we spot Minjoon coming, we kidnap him and hit him with a stick to make him unconscious."

"And?" Jungkook asked.

"And then Jungkook will not be caught!" Jinnie said, clapping. "That was easy."

"This plan is a bit, uhm, awkward." Hoseok said.


"I mean, this plan is too easy." Seokjin said. "Is this supposed to be too easy?"

"Why make it complicated when it can be made easy?" Jinnie said.

Jungkook nodded.

"It's easy, it's okay." Jungkook said.

Seokjin was still in doubt. But he agreed nevertheless.

"When are we going?" Hoseok asked.

"Today, I guess?" Jinnie asked. Jungkook agreed.

"We got to do this as fast as possible." Jungkook said.

"Tonight." Seokjin said.

"Tonight." The others repeated.


"When will that guy even come?" Jinnie asked, restless.

"Be patient, young boy." Hoseok said. "We have to wait a bit."

"A bit? We're waiting for an eternity!" Jinnie exclaimed.

"Calm down will ya?" Jungkook snapped.

"Shut up you ghost." Jinnie snapped back. Jungkook glared at him.

"What the fuck did you call me?"

"A ghost!"

"How dare you?!"

"What? You are a ghost!"

"I'll break your neck–"

"Ssh guys! He's coming." Seokjin said. The others silenced themselves as they saw little Jungkook coming up the streets, hands in his pocket.

"I look so cute." Jungkook's ghost cooed. Seokjin smiled.

The living Jungkook picked a stone from the ground and aimed it at a lamppost which was the only source of light in that street.

He then threw it towards the post, and immediately the street became dark.

Little Jungkook took out a torch from his pocket and held it with one hand, while he took out a spray paint in his other hand.

The guys watched at Jungkook walked towards a garage shutter and sprayed randomly at it.

Then he paused for a moment and sprayed a few words on the wall beside the garage.

"I'm fine..." Hoseok read.

"Save me..." Jungkook's soul said.

"Why would you write this even here? You used to write it everywhere." Jinnie asked. Jungkook's soul said nothing.

Suddenly Seokjin spotted Minjoon walking down the street.

"Hey, there." Seokjin said, and pointed at Minjoon. The others looked at him.

"Let's wait for him to come here so that I can hit him." Hoseok said. The others agreed.

Minjoon spotted Jungkook doing grafity and a wicked smile spread on his face.

He came forward and had just taken out his phone to video the incident when he felt a terrible pain on his head.

He groaned loudly and fainted on the ground. And standing behind him, was Hoseok with a big iron  rod.

"I hit him hard." Hoseok said, smiling proudly.

"A bit too hard." Jungkook's soul said in a worried voice. "He's spot dead."

"What??" Jinnie shouted. And that shout attracted the little innocent Jungkook.

"Now you've done it." Seokjin said in a frustrated voice. Jungkook dragged away Hoseok from the place and all of them hid again.

"Who's there?" Jungkook asked. When he got no response, he walked towards the street away from the wall to see Minjoon with a broken head and blood leaked everywhere.

"Oh fuck!" Jungkook whisper-shouted, and knelt down beside Minjoon. He checked his pulse, which wasn't there anymore.

And soon enough, he saw blood on his hands from Minjoon's clothes.

An old lady was walking down the street that time. Seeing the scene in front of her, she was horrified.

Without thinking, she started shouting "Help Help! Murder!" repeatedly.

Jungkook's soul felt like he wanted to stab himself with a knife that time, but it dawned on him that he was already dead.

"No wait! I-it's not what you think!!" Innocent Kook tried to prove his point, but the neighbors had already gathered around them with sticks and other weapons. One of them had already dialed the police.

"Oh no.. " Seokjin whispered in dismay.

"Die, you stinky old lady." Jungkook's soul mumbled in wrath and hate, without thinking.

Jinnie shot his head towards Jungkook.

"You know what you did? You being a soul cursed her! She'll die any moment now!" He said. Then it dawned on Jungkook what he just said.

The old lady suddenly clutched her head. She dropped on the ground too. The other people on the crowd tried to regain her senses.

But the four, hiding people, already knew what happened.

"I didn't mean to..." Jungkook whispered, tears filling his eyes.

"We need to go asap from here." Seokjin said.

"But, but me-"

"I know you're being beaten but it's not the time to protect yourself." Seokjin said. "Jinnie, do it."

Jinnie instantly opened the portal. Hoseok and him jumped inside the portal and Seokjin dragged Jungkook inside it.

And they were gone.

Leaving the innocent little Kook to be beaten to death even before the police could arrive.

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